Research workshop Public Policy Department Institutions and Development Impact of conditions of social regulation systems on economic development and other policy fields DRAFT Yury Fogelson Edgar Demetrio Tovar Garcia Zinaida Pogosova Maria Belikova Elena Korotkova Artem Uldanov
Research area Application of the new institutional approach to explain development processes; Different schools of institutional thought in social sciences; Focus on Institutional theorists and New institutional economics; Institutions: set of rules (formal and informal) + organizations;
Research area The process of institutionalization (the process of embedding institutions), and its impact on economic and social development. Key authors: Ronald Coase, Oliver Williamson, Douglas North, Daron Acemoglu, John. W. Meyer, Brian Rowan, Paul DiMaggio, Walter W. Powell
Aims of workshop To describe different institutional approaches in social sciences To describe and explain the connection between institutions, public policy and development process To connect public policy to the institutional theoretical framework To combine qualitative and quantitative methods to test the impact of institutions on public policy
Tasks of workshop To review current theoretical background on institutional approaches To review the empirical findings on the connection between institutions, public policy and development process To find and analyze illustrative cases of institutional theoretical framework application to public policy To collect data and to test statistically the influence of institutions + case studies, interviews, and other qualitative methods To create models for particular dimensions of development process
Preliminary list of topics for research Institutional mechanisms of the global financial system regulation The impact of the Bank on International Settlements on institutions in banking policy Approaches to evaluate the influence of legal and ethical regulations on economic growth and social welfare Social norms internationalization and its impact on economic development
List of topics for research Language policy transformation as a result of institutional changes Impact of formal and informal institutions on family policy formation Institutions for sustainable urban development Influence of informal institutions on educational outcomes and policies
Materials websites / e-journals International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) European School on New Institutional Economics (ESNIE) Austrian Society for New Institutional Economics (ASNIE) The Ronald Coase Institute Contracting and Organizations Research Center (University of Missouri) Economics and Institutions WEBSITE - by prof. F. Toboso, University of Valencia, Spain. Revista de Economía Institucional (Universidad Externado, Colombia)
Materials on-line videos and courses Институциональная экономика (Institutional economics) by Maria Yudkevich (HSE) Effect of Institutions on Market Performance. Douglas North, Nobel Laureate, Washington University Why Institutions Matter (Part 2 of 8). Douglas North. University of the Philippines Ronald Coase: "Markets, Firms and Property Rights" Ronald H. Coase: On Economics (The University of Chicago) Interview about the 2009 Prize in Economic Sciences (Nobel Prize)
HSE in coursera Institutional economics by Maria Yudkevich
Some articles and books Brousseau, É., & Glachant, J.-M. (Eds.). (2008). New institutional economics: a guidebook (p. 558). Cambridge University Press. Coase, R. H. (1998). The New Institutional Economics. American Economic Review, 88(2), 72–74. DiMaggio, P., & Powell, W. (1991). Introduction. In P. DiMaggio & W. Powell (Eds.), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (pp. 1–38). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Hodgson, G. M. (1998). The approach of institutional economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 36(1), 166– 192. Retrieved from Hodgson, G. M. (Ed.). (2002). A modern reader in institutional and evolutionary economics: key concepts (p. 239). Edward Elgar. Retrieved from n+Institutional+and+Evolutionary+Economics+Key+Concepts&ots=rmTS- oDCf7&sig=LGnAgGyi2MGRYr4qvVMqHgbSYbI Ménard, C., & Shirley, M. M. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of new institutional economics (p. 884). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Retrieved from Rutherford, M. (2001). Institutional economics: then and now. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(3), 173– 194. Retrieved from Staniek, Z. (2010). Diversification of institutional economics. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 1(1), 90– 116. Retrieved from Williamson, O. E. (1999). Public and private bureaucracies: a transaction cost economics perspectives. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 15(1), 306–342. Retrieved from Williamson, O. E. (2005). The economics of governance. American Economic Review, 95(2), 1–18.
Feedback! This is a draft, so you should let us know your impressions! Dr. Yury Fogelson Dr. Edgar Tovar Dr. Zinaida Pogosova