To receive Notification for New Issues of Journals/Magazine received in Library Kindly follow the steps described in next slides.
PLEASE VISIT > Library > Web-OPAC or > Library > Web-OPAC Login with USERNAME i.e. 5 Digit Emp. No. e.g PASSWORD i.e (You may change it later)
CLICK on OPAC MENU > ABOUT ME > to Make sure that your id (of is registered.
CLICK on SEARCH > Advanced to Search the Journal/Magazine
Enter the TITLE, Select Limit by SERIAL and Limit Collection to PERIODICAL SECTION
Click on MORE INFO Link of the Magazine/Serial
Click on ADD TO MY SERIALS Link of the Magazine/Serial
Tick under NOTIFICATION against the Name of Journal/Magazine Click on SAVE CHANGES Button As soon as any new issue of any of the titles listed in the screen will received in the library, an notification will be generated and sent to your A/c. In case of any trouble feel free to contact Library Staff.