Treatment options for locally recurrent Prostate Cancer Giuseppe Simone Mediterranean School of Oncology Roma
Treatment options Local recurrence after RP Radiotherapy ADT if N+ M+ Other options (off label)
Treatment options Local recurrence after Radiation treatments Salvage RP Salvage Cryo Brachy (small series) Re-radiation (off label)
Salvage RP Feasible? Safe? Effective? Select cases!
PSA free (3-yr 75% PSA<0.2) Continence (7/32 22%) Sexual function(3/32 9%)
Treatment options Local recurrence after Radiation treatments Salvage RP Salvage Cryo Brachy (small series) Re-radiation (off label)
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Treatment options Local recurrence after Radiation treatments Salvage RP Salvage Cryo Salvage HIFU Brachy (small series) Re-radiation (off label)
Our experience Jan Jan salvage cryo (radiorecurrent PCa) Median age 73 (IQR 70-76) Minimum follow-up 15 months All patients underwent biopsy, and 18 F-choline PET-CT scan 4 cases underwent inguinal LNd excluded (pN+)
Patients characteristics 7 cases not receiving ADT Median PSA 4.11ng/mL (IQR 1.3-5) Mean Gleason score 7.4 (range 6-9) 17 cases receiving ADT Median PSA 3.13 ng/mL (IQR ) Any of these successfully discontinued ADT!
PSA free survival 24-mo (Phoenix criteria)56% 21-monot ADT 65.6% 21-mounder ADT57.6% 24-mo (ASTRO criteria)53.6% 21-monot ADT 80% 21-mounder ADT60% Local recurrence Biopsy at physician discretion! 2 positive out of 6 performed 1 seminal vesicle recurrence at 18F-chol PET-CT Bifecta in patients not receiving ADT 72%
18 F-choline PET-CT No report on nodal or distant metastasis A step forward “biochemical recurrence” In our series 2 cases of nodal recurrences 4 cases with preoperative evidence of pos nodes confirmed by hystology
Preop CT and bone scan negative 3 mo PSA 1 6 mo PSA 2 PET-CT Stereotaxic RT and ADT 32 mo PSA 0.8
Complications Urinary Incontinence 20% Rectal fistula 4% Previous simple prostatectomy and RT Sloughing and AUR requiring TURP 12.5%
Hot Topics Seminal Vesicles Discontinuing ADT? N+? M+? 2-yr ADT after adjuvant RT recommended Sloughed tissue and AUR requiring TURP 12.5%
Yes Low complication rate Minimally invasive treatment Learning curve salvage cryo vs salvage RP Patients selection!!! Previous TURP-simple prostatectomy Bifecta outcome >70%
Buts Cancer control lower than salvage RP Pts receiving ADT should not discontinue it Preoperative staging limits (rule out N+/M+) 18 F chol PET-CT has not 100% accuracy Bifecta-ASTRO-Phoenix can not be compared with undetectable PSA after RP Standardize outcome evaluation
Patient counseling Salvage RP is the radical treatment Healthy pts with life expectancy > 10yrs should be counseled accordingly… Local recurrence can be successfully treated with recryo or with ADT 10 yr Cancer specific survival 90%
Treatment options Local recurrence after Radiation treatments Salvage RP Salvage Cryo Salvage HIFU Brachy (small series) Re-radiation (off label)
Patient counseling Salvage RP is the radical treatment Healthy pts with life expectancy > 10yrs should be counseled accordingly… Local recurrence can be successfully treated with recryo or with ADT 10 yr Cancer specific survival 90%