Apparel Development 1 – Obj. 13 & 14
Outline Obj Obj Career preparation 1. Education 2. Experience a. Volunteer b. Work 3. Strategies a. Company research b. Resume c. Cover letter d. Application e. Interview f. Thank-you letter Job-seeking skills 1. Career plan 2. Job application 3. Letter of application 4. Resume 5. Portfolio 6. Interview 7. Follow-up letter
Scenario You have just completed your degree in Consumer Apparel Retail Studies at UNC- Greensboro. Sketchers has accepted your job application and resume. They sent you an regarding a phone interview. What do you need to do to get ready to talk to the Lead Technical Designer? Think about this scenario as you complete the objective coursework.
Good Afternoon, Thank you for your interest in Sketchers and the Technical Design Internship offered this summer. We have received your application and resume. I would like to set up a phone interview to further discuss the job responsibilities and ask a few questions about your resume and experience. Please reply back with a convenient time that fits into your schedule. I look forward to talking to you. Thank you, K. Dowling Kellie Dowling Footwear Design O: Technical Design Internship
Read pages 384 – 387 Start with Applying for a Job and read until the end. Answer the questions on your graphic organizer.
Ready, set, go find a job? But wait! What kind of job do you want or need? Will it be temporary or full-time? part-time summer only factory entry level hourly salaried
Research The first step when looking for a job is to simply find out where the jobs are! Network! Talk to people Check Job Boards located around the community Check online job search engines Check the newspaper classified
Apply – Step 1 The second step is to submit a job application. Be Truthful Fill it in completely Including references
Use those Networking Skills! Suitable references: current & past employers Teachers, Mentors, Advisors Church Leaders NOT a suitable reference: family & friends ALWAYS ask someone’s permission before using them as a reference.
Apply – Step 2 The next step is to submit a resume with a cover letter. Should be sent before the interview 1. Cover letter (aka: letter of application) should be brief & identify why the resume is being sent. 2. Resume should relate to your job objective and include work experience. 3. Resume does not include references At the end of your Resume type: Reference Upon Request This lets the interviewer know you are not afraid to give them references but does not add extra paper to their pile!
Remember: No matter what the job, there are more applicants than jobs. You are easily replaced. NC is a right to work state! Investigate: On the web google or bing Right to Work State. State explanation in Work Packet. As an employee your primary job is to make your bosses life easier!
Mrs. A’s BEEEE’s Be on time. 15 minutes early is on time and on time is late! Be Your Best. Do your absolute best. What ever is going on at home isn’t your bosses problem! Be Polite. Cooperate and be polite to everyone no matter how much you don’t like them or find them annoying. Be Independent. Do your job independently rather than waiting to be told what to do.
Last Words of Advice…. Ignore office gossip. If someone is talking badly about you let it go. During meetings or gatherings give the leader/speaker your full attention. Do not multi-task. If you resign, give your employer a two week notice. You may need him as a reference some day!
Complete the Job Application & Answering Interview Questions.
Outline – Obj Apparel and Textile Industry Careers 1. Alteration person : pgs Buyer: pgs Custom sewer: pgs Entrepreneur : pgs Fashion director: pgs Loom operator: pgs Marker : pgs Model : pgs Pattern maker : pgs Researcher: pgs Salesperson : pgs Spotter : pgs Stock clerk : pgs Stylist : pgs Textile chemist : pgs Textile designer : pgs
Read page 137 Choosing a career from the previous slide, read the 4 pages that corresponds with that career and follow the directions on pg. 137 under Exploring Fashion Careers. Answer in your Work Packet.
Outline – Obj Traits for success 1. Communication skills 2. Decision-making skills 3. Laboratory techniques 4. Leadership 5. Mechanical skills 6. Problem-solving abilities 7. Respect 8. Responsibility
Read Chapter 23 pages 391 – 401 As you read the chapter fill out the Study Guide: Success on the Job.
Use your book after you have Read Chapter 23 pages 391 – 401 complete the Worksheets Qualities for Success. Read the situations and write a response that shows how you would handle that situation and the positive qualities that your response exhibits.
Complete the Math Skills in Retailing See the Example Below: Situation 1. You work for a dry cleaner. A customer brings in items and asks what it would cost to have them all cleaned. The prices are as follows: slacks, $5.75; coat $10.00; and 2 sweaters, $6.25 each. There is also a 6% sales tax.
Math Skills in Retailing Worksheet Example To find the tax take the total and multiply by.06 When you turn a percentage into a decimal you must move the decimal 2 places. 6% = *.06 = Round = 1.70 Add the total + tax = What will the customer’s total bill be? First figure out how much the items will cost together. $ $28.25
Back to that ….. Now that you have explored career preparation and opportunities in the Apparel and Textile industry. Complete a response back to Kellie Dowling for the internship opportunity at Sketchers in your Work Packet.
Good Afternoon, Thank you for your interest in Sketchers and the Technical Design Internship offered this summer. We have received your application and resume. I would like to set up a phone interview to further discuss the job responsibilities and ask a few questions about your resume and experience. Please reply back with a convenient time that fits into your schedule. I look forward to talking to you. Thank you, K. Dowling Kellie Dowling Footwear Design O: Technical Design Internship