Ed Dwight’s African-American History Monument inspires:
1. Before the students arrive, teacher places a dime at each student’s seating area. 2. Teacher prompts students: “What do you notice about this coin?” “Who is on the front?” “Why might I give you a coin in art class?” “Can you feel the grooves in the dime?” “How do you think the artist created this artwork?” “Think about the dime while I show you another artwork.”
Good Artists ask questions! What is the same and what is different about the Monument and the dime? What materials are the artworks made of? Definition of Relief: relief - sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background
Selma Burke: From Mooresville, NC First she was a nurse, but moved to NYC. Attended Columbia University 1943: Chosen to sculpt a plaque of Roosevelt Not given credit for her relief sculpture- controversy that John R. Sinnock used the design. Ed Dwight: Born: Kansas City, Nebraska 1933 Joined the Airforce, then became an aeronautical engineer and the first black astronaut in training. 1977: MFA in sculpture 2001: African American History Monument, Columbia, SC.
Group Inquiry “What do you see?” Big Question: What makes a leader? Leaders They never give up. They work hard in school. They listen to others. They work well together. They always try to do what is right. People trust them. Teacher writes responses on the board in a word web.
Incorporating Choice: Students look at the last panel of the African American monument and choose a career that they would like to become a leader in. Important Connection: Before students create artwork, they explain to a neighbor what qualities they have as a leader and what qualities they would like to work on.
Artwork Production Students will create a magic- model self portrait sculpture of themselves in their future career. 1. Teacher demonstrates how to create sculpture using model magic. 2. Student leader distributes materials. 3. Student begin putting model magic on the pedestal. 4. Teacher reminds students to make sure the features stand out in their sculpture and to not have any loose parts. 5. Students let sculptures dry. 6. Students paint sculptures using acrylic paint. “One day I will be a ________.” By : _______________ Possible variation: relief sculpture
On-site Artwork: The African American Monument: Columbia, SC Sacrificial procession of a bull. Bull preceded by trumpeters. Vicomagistri: Roman relief AD. Vatican. Photo: A. Lorenzini ARTE 520: Instructional Methods for Art Integration Instructor: Minuette Floyd
Young Leaders
Do you know any of these people?
When artists paint people, it is called making a portrait. Definition of portrait: A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer. When artists paint people, it is called making a portrait. Definition of portrait: A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer. Choose the portraits and explain what makes it a portrait:
They try to capture the person’s unique character through expression. Many times, artists paint people who are famous, or who are leaders. BUT, they do not have to be famous! Artist can paint portraits of anyone. Do you remember the people who were on the panels by Ed Dwight? In the last panel, Ed Dwight made a relief sculpture of African-Americans succeeding in many types of jobs. They were everyday people. Today you are going to look at how one artist can capture the character and leadership qualities of the person he is painting through individual expression. You will get the opportunity to interview and paint a portrait of a classmate!
born in Los Angeles in 1977 Father is from Nigeria and mother is African American Went to San Francisco Art Institute and Yale University Started by taking pictures of young African Americans in Harlem References old master paintings/fusion of period style and contemporary imagery Wiley’s figurative paintings "quote historical sources and position young black men within that field of power.”
Wiley makes contemporary portraits influenced from portraits of historical leaders. Use of pattern Posture and pose Figure and pattern only Focus is the individual Expression on face PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I, KING OF ENGLAND ARTIST: ANTONY VAN DYCK YEAR: (1600–1649) TYPE: OIL ON CANVAS DIMENSIONS: 104.5" X 81.25" LOCATION: DEPT. OF PAINTINGS, RICHELIEU, 2ND FLOOR, ROOM 24 LA ROI A LA CHASSE ARTIST: KEHINDE WILEY YEAR: 2006 TYPE: OIL ON CANVAS DIMENSIONS: 8' X 6' LOCATION: SCENIC AT RHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Teacher led questions/Class discussion
Producing the Artwork Objective: Students will draw and paint a modernized portrait of their classmate in a leadership position influenced by the portraiture of Kehinde Wiley. Demonstration: 1. Teacher asks for student volunteer to conduct interview. Student will dress in clothing for career. 2. Volunteer will choose a master’s painting to modernize in class. Student will imitate pose. Teacher will draw portrait. 3. Teacher will demonstrate how to draw stencil on background. 4. Teacher will then demonstrate how to paint the portrait using tempera paint. Student Art Production: 1. Students pair up and interview partners. Students write responses on worksheet. 2. Students dress up in career clothing and choose a portrait they would like to modernize. 3. Students take turns drawing a portrait of the other person. 4. Students use stencils to create patterns in the background of portraits. 5. Students paint portraits using tempura paint. Materials needed: Paper, pencils, tempura or acrylic paint, brushes, water, stencils, art history books
Student 1: Artist Questions asked: 1. What is your name? 2. What do you do for a living? 3. Why did you become a _____? 4. Tell me the most important story from your job. 5. How do you feel when you are working? Student 1: Artist Questions asked: 1. What is your name? 2. What do you do for a living? 3. Why did you become a _____? 4. Tell me the most important story from your job. 5. How do you feel when you are working? Student 2: Leader 1. Student says their name. 2. I am a nurse. 3. I want to help people feel better. 4. I remember a patient of mine who could not walk anymore. I was afraid he would not get better. I helped him everyday and little by little, he started to walk. 5. I feel important and proud. Student 2: Leader 1. Student says their name. 2. I am a nurse. 3. I want to help people feel better. 4. I remember a patient of mine who could not walk anymore. I was afraid he would not get better. I helped him everyday and little by little, he started to walk. 5. I feel important and proud.
Choose a portrait to modernize.
Assessment Lesson: 1: no attempt at language or materials 2: creates artwork, no use of language 3:Developing use of materials and language 4: Uses language and materials most of the time 5: Mastery of materials and language; uses them interdependently Student Name How does the student engage in the art making process? Rating and comments: How does the student engage during the group critique? Rating and comments:
Portrait of Charles I, King of England Artist: Antony van Dyck Year: (1600–1649) Type: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 104.5" x 81.25" Location: Dept. of Paintings, Richelieu, 2nd Floor, Room 24 La Roi a La Chasse Artist: Kehinde Wiley Year: 2006 Type: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 8' x 6' Location: SCENIC at Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, Illinois Dwight, Ed. African American Monument, Columbia, SC 2001.