Welcome to 2nd Grade! Miss Van Matre’s Moose
Basic Info: Red Daily Folder Includes: B ehavior Chart Reading Log Assignment Pencil Homework Word List in Spiral Please check daily
Behavior Chart I give one or more verbal warnings. If the undesired behavior continues the student will then be instructed to change his or her color. Please initial the behavior log if your child has changed his or her color from green. Reflects child’s behavior each day Red: 2nd reminder Blue: 3rd reminder and/or severe infraction Green: doing great Yellow: warning (reminded of appropriate behavior) Do not be alarmed if your child changes his/her color to yellow, this is a warning and a wake up call for your child. Red: 2nd reminder
Reading Log Record any reading outside of school 2nd graders should read at least 15 minutes per night all year. Record the date and minutes read on the log Please initial next to each entry 1000 minutes = GOLD MEDAL and recognition in morning assembly on the first Wednesday of every month.
Assignment Pencil Updated weekly Includes homework and the Phonics rules for the week. Also contains 5 Words of the Week, special events, Library and Specials reminders, etc. Needs to stay in the red folder in case of changes
Homework Recorded on the Assignment Pencil Unfinished class work may be sent home to complete. Assigned Mondays and is to be turned in by Thursday. Late homework is a responsibility infraction and the student will be expected to complete it during Fun Friday.
Folders BLUE Folder EVERY Tuesday Contains school notes and class work Please remove the papers Sign the sheet inside before returning it each Wednesday
Reading & Language Arts Warm- Up: Daily “get in gear” activities such as, Making Words, journaling, and Daily Language Review Spelling using phonetic patterns. In 2nd grade we do not have a spelling list, but a spelling rule for the week. In addition there will be 5 word wall words for the week. Writer’s Workshop: Students will use the Writing Process to compose original writing pieces. Handwriting: Improving on modern manuscript Vocabulary- We will be expanding our vocabulary in all subject areas using vocabulary activities to help us make connections with new words
Writing Workshop 2nd graders will learn the writing process and take original compositions through each step. U sing literature examples we will focus on various aspects of writing
Math Graphing and probability Focus on: Addition, subtraction (one and two digits), problem solving, time, fractions, estimation, money, and measurement Introduce multiplication and division Reinforced through Math games and songs Online textbook, games, and activities on my website
Science W eather and Space Force and Motion Plants and Animals Matter (Solids, Liquids, Gas) Natural Resources and Conservation Hands-on Science using: FOSS (Full Option Science System) United Streaming and Educational Videos Computer Games and Science Lab
Social Studies People and Communities- Communities Project M ap Skills- Flat Stanley Project P ioneers- Pioneer Day L andforms Biographies- Biography project
Computer & Library Times Library Time: Thursday 1:30-2:00 2 nd graders may check out 2 books at a time Encourage your child to check out appropriately leveled books 2 week check out period per book C omputer Lab: Tuesday 1:15-2:15 (for 2nd) V arious projects relating to topics studied Students will use Brain Pop Jr., Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, etc
Grading & Report Cards You will see checks, smiles, or ratios on graded student work The report card is skills-based The student is graded on a scale from : The student has not mastered the skill 2: The student is making progress toward mastery 3: The skill is mastered *Do not be alarmed if the report card reflects 2’s in any skill.
Snacks Every day your child may bring a snack Healthy and nutritious Some suggestions include yogurt, granola bars, fruit, cereal, crackers, or pretzels Only water is permitted in the classroom. Your child may bring a water bottle to keep at his/her desk.
Student Birthdays District policy states: On the last Friday of the month, the last 15 minutes of the day, the classroom will celebrate those children’s birthdays for the month in the classroom. 2:15-2:30 Celebration The homeroom parent will organize who brings cupcakes for that month Only cupcakes and water are permitted The room parent will coordinate celebrations *Birthday invitations: If your child is passing out invitations at school please make sure the whole class is invited
Conferences Planning Period: 9:45-10:35 Fe el free to schedule a meeting during this time as needed Early Release Day Conferences: O ct.15 Oct.16 A fternoon Times Available Sign up afterwards
Please Keep in Touch Communication is the key to success! Please do not hesitate to contact me through notes, , or phone. is an effective way to reach me during the day: Contact office about last minute transportation changes Phone messages: x 5513
Thanks for coming!