Contract Opportunities for CUCF Minority & Women-Owned The City University Business Enterprises Construction Fund CUNY & CUCF + M/WBE : Make the Connection CUNY – The City University of New York 23 Colleges and Schools located throughout New York City. 290 buildings with 26 million square feet of space needing or will need construction, renovation, rehabilitation or expansion. CUCF – The City University Construction Fund Public benefit corporation established by NYS to provide facilities for CUNY and support the educational purposes of CUNY. For a number of procurements, CUCF acts on behalf of CUNY and executes the contract with the selected vendor.
What CUNY & CUCF Procure Wide array of procurements for specific projects or requirements contracts for multiple projects, in the following areas: Architectural Design Services Engineering Design Services Construction Construction Management/Build Services Property Development Services Real Estate Brokerage, Planning & Consulting Services Master Plan Amendments & Space Planning Guidelines
How to Access CUNY & CUCF Procurement Opportunities NYS Contract Reporter NYC Record Minority Commerce Weekly Get on the NYS Certified M/WBE List Get on our Bidders List Go to our Website at Send questions to
CUNY & CUCF Prime and Sub-Contracting Opportunities on Our Website Architectural Design Services Requirements Contracts Brooklyn College Interior Renovation of Roosevelt Hall College of Staten Island Lighting for Public Safety Hostos Community College ADA Toilet Improvement NYCCT New Academic Building Design and Installation of Artwork CM/Build Requirements Contracts College Laboratory Facilities CM/Design/Build Requirements Contracts NYC College of Technology New Academic Building CM/Build Project Baruch College Field Building Renovation CM/Build Project Brooklyn College Performing Arts Center CM/Build Project Engineering Design Services Requirements Contracts
CUNY & CUCF Architectural Design Services Requirements Contracts – Request for Qualifications
Purpose & Description Provide Architectural Design Services at CUNY’s various sites and facilities on an “as needed” Task Order basis. Categories of Work: Architectural Design Services Building Envelope Design Services High Performance Design Services Historic Preservation Design Services Landscape Design Services Signage and Interpretation Design Services A firm may apply for one, some or all Categories of Work.
Contract Award Process Minimum Qualification Requirement The firm or one or more of its principals must have at least 5 years of experience in performing the requisite services for each requested Category of Work. Evaluation Criteria Professional and technical 50 points competence and experience. Quality of staff to be assigned 50 points to this project.
Contract Award Process (continued) Contract Award Requirements Contracts will be awarded for each Category of Work to those responsive and responsible firms determined to meet the Minimum Qualification Requirement and to best meet the Evaluation Criteria. A three (3) year contract term is anticipated. It is also anticipated that each contract would have a not- to-exceed amount of up to $5 million for assigned task order services.
Task Order Assignment Process Subsequent to contract execution, as the need for services arises, CUNY will identify those firms eligible to compete for project specific task order assignments. Identified firms will be sent a written description of the task order assignment and the criteria that will be used for selection. The firms will have an opportunity to submit a written response to the request, including a fee. The responses will be reviewed and evaluated by CUNY according to the criteria. The firm that best meets the criteria will be selected for the task order assignment at a fee determined by CUNY to be fair and reasonable. Project assignments are anticipated to range up to $15 million in estimated construction cost, in whole or in part.
M/WBE Participation Goals MBE Goal % WBE Goal % Prime Contractors Must provide a M/WBE Utilization Plan. M/WBE Sub-Contractors Link up as soon as possible with potential Prime Contractors by accessing the CUNY website for: List of the firms that downloaded the solicitation. List of the firms that submitted a response to the solicitation.