1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CFAC Review Marty Fallier Director for Conventional Facilities LEED-ESH-Facility Utilization May 8, 2007
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DOE Executive Order on Sustainability NSLS II & LEED “ Gold ” Certification ESH Issues for Conventional Facilities Environmental Protection Construction Safety Facility design NSLS II Facility Utilization Warehouse Relocation (by BNL) Chilled Water Plant Expansion (jointly w/BNL) Outline
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES LEED NC Version 2.2 Four levels of LEED-NC certification: Certified Level points Silver Level points Gold Level points Platinum Level52+ points (69 possible)
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Sustainable Design/LEED Current Evaluation LEED CreditsNSLS II Y MN Sustainable Sites5 72 Water Efficiency3 20 Energy & Atmosphere3 113 Materials & Resources7 06 Indoor Environmental Quality 6 82 Innovation in Design4 10 Total LEED RatingCertified Certified points Silver points Gold points Platinum points
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES No Cost Solutions The following information is based on BNL CFN: MR Credit 2.1 and 2.2 Construction Waste Management, Divert 50% &75% from Disposal Total of all Waste 2,864 Tons Total of all recyclables2,319 Tons Percentage (%-Recycled) 81% = 2 Credits MR Credit 4.1 and 4.2 Recycled Content Combined value of recycled content materials = $1,100,000 = 2 Credits MR Credit 5.1 and 5.2 Regional Materials-Total cost of regionally extracted material= $2,342,759 = 30% = 2 Credits IEQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials = 3 Credits BNL - Center for Functional Nanomaterials
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Certified points Silver points Gold points Platinum points How to Reach LEED Gold ? Requires a System Based Approach No single item will provide the additional points needed Additional investment in multiple credit types must be pursued Requires a tangible investment since credit for all “ low hanging fruit ” has been taken
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES LEED Credits NSLS IICurrent Design Solar Power and Water Re-Use Strategy YMNYMN Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation in Design Total LEED RatingCertifiedGold Certified points Silver points Gold points Platinum points Strategy to Reach LEED Gold
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Maximizing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficient Lighting and Lighting Controls Solar Shading PV Cells Heat Recovery M&V System Green Power Credits Strategy to Reach LEED Gold
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Solar power system comprised of 900 solar modules for a total of Approx. 270kW = 7.5% Overall Energy Use Reduction Each module has an individual power rating of 300W This system also provides local and web-based monitoring of weather and solar electric system energy production. Photovoltaic System has a 25 year design life. PV Cells Installed on the roof Solar Modules Strategy to Reach LEED Gold
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Life Cycle Cost Saving Strategy to Reach GOLD Level LEED Bio-Retention Ponds Bio-swales Vegetated Filter Strips at Parking Areas Partial Green Roof Pervious Paving Rain Water Collection Comprehensive Stormwater Management and Water Collection System
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Life Cycle Cost Saving Strategy to Reach GOLD Level LEED Annual Rainwater Collection for NSLS-II (210,000 sf Roof Area) = 7,300,000 gal/yr Graywater usage benefits: Potable Water Usage Reduction –For Occupant= 1,400,000 gal/yr = 3 Credits –For Process Cooling = 11,400,000 gal/yr = 1 Innovation Credit Stormwater Runoff Reduction = 2 Credits Irrigation = 2 Credits Above Ground Water Collection Tank McKinney Office Building Underground Water Collection Tank Banner Bank Building
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Initial Indications of the Cost of Gold Photovoltaic 900 panel system capable of 7.5% reduction ~$2.5 M 300 panel system capable of 2.5% reduction ~$1 M Heat Recovery & Shading Systems – TBD but >$1M Rainwater Collection System ~$300 – 600 k depending on size Enhanced Storm Water Management - TBD (likely >$500k) Caution: the hidden costs Additional maintenance costs to keep systems working efficiently Potential operational drawbacks in personnel efficiency or system reliability Can ’ t let it negatively affect mission capability
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF ESH Requirements Engineering Design Engineer safety into facility design Review and input of ESH SME ’ s NEPA - assure compliance with EA and FONSI Construction Safety Implement “ Best in Class ” program (Construction Safety Plan) Contractor selection weighted by safety performance Dedicated construction safety personnel (Contractor, CM, Project) Use Incentive Program Transition to operations Beneficial occupancy reviews/Hazard Analyses/Exp. Safety review
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ESH Management CF has the following responsibilities for ESH during the project: Design to code and include engineered safety features to mitigate hazards identified in PHA Coordinate review and input to design by ESH SME ’ s and incorporate Comply with environmental regulations and stay within operating envelope of the NEPA review (EA) and FONSI Incorporate sustainable design features and maximize sustainability within budget and operational limits (LEED Certification & possible gold rating) Select contractors that have above average safety performance Implement an effective construction safety program with “ Best in Class ” goal Document and test all systems to verify safe and efficient performance Initiate and support BORE process for transition to BNL custody/operation
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Need to relocate warehousing operations (by BNL) On track for completion at end of FY08 B209 already demolished, B 86, 100, 210 & 211, in design Other on-site bldgs will be modified in FY08, design underway Need to expand CCWF jointly (with BNL) Shared project with BNL GPP/IGPP (Draft MOA) 2500 tons for NSLS II, 1250 tons for lab with spare bay for future 1250 ton chiller Schedule requires completion spring FY11 to support installation ~24 months available – should be more than adequate NSLS II Facility Utilization Issues