Pre-AP/ AP Program Recruitment Strategies Pre-AP/ AP Program Recruitment Strategies presented by Becky Kincaid - Counselor Dallas Koehn – Instructor John Chargois – Principal Charlie Bushyhead – Executive Director of Secondary Education UNION PUBLIC SCHOOLS TULSA, OK Southwestern Regional Forum- Embassy Suites Hotel January 31, 2008
Beliefs Leading to School Improvement All students can learn! Success breeds success! Schools control the conditions of success!
Opening Thoughts… “ There are people who’ll say,” Given that neighborhood a child is from, what do you expect.” It’s our job to say there are no excuses – that we have to address students’ needs so they can achieve.”” --Frank Tinney
Opening Thoughts… “Believing in a student’s potential is important. But, assisting them with identifying this potential can be of even greater importance.”
Union’s Demographics School Year District Enrollment - 14,382 students Union High School Grades Union Intermediate High School 9-10 Union 8 th Grade Center Union 6 th /7 th Grade Center Combined 6-12 th Student Enrollment – 7584 students
Union’s Demographics School Year Ethnic Make-up of District: Caucasian 52.2% African-American 13.8% Asian 6.6% Hispanic 16.9% Native American 10.6%
Union’s Demographics A Look Back… SY SYChange Caucasian 76.1%52.2%-23.9% African-American 8.6%13.8%+5.2% Asian 4.3%6.6%+2.3% Hispanic 5.0%16.9%+11.9% Native American 6.0%10.6%+4.6% Total Student Population12,30514,
Union High School AP Data Number of students enrolled in only one AP Class Total number enrolled in an AP Class Number of AP exams taken Number of students taking only one AP exam Number of students taking more than one AP exam Total number of students Taking AP Exams Students earning a 3, 4, or 5 (68%) (74%) (79%) (72%) (78%) (70%)(73%)
Pre-AP English Pre-AP English Pre-AP History Pre-AP History AP History Union Intermediate High School Pre-AP Data
Algebra I – AP Emphasis Geometry – AP Emphasis Algebra II – AP Emphasis Pre-AP Biology Pre-AP Physics2428 Pre-AP Chemistry359363
Union Intermediate High School Pre-AP Data 9 th Grade Enrollment th Grade Pre-AP/ AP Emphasis Enrollment560 Percentage of 9 th Grade Student Population48.8% 10 th Grade Enrollment th Grade Pre-AP/ AP/ AP Emphasis Enrollment478 Percentage of 10 th Grade Student Population42.3%
Union Intermediate High School Pre-AP Data Total Percentage of Students Enrolled in at least one Pre-AP/ AP/ AP Emphasis Course 45.6%
connect students to college success and opportunity The College Board Mission
Union Public Schools Mission It is our Mission to provide our community of learners with educational opportunities to acquire and develop the best possible academic, vocational, recreational, social and participatory skills, enabling them to become valued, contributing members of a changing global society.
Our Challenge… Our Challenge… How do we support our mission and respond to a changing student population? How do we increase the diversity in our Pre-AP/AP Program while maintaining the rigor of the program? How do we support students who accept the challenge of participating in our Pre-AP/AP Program?
Our Response… Hire Great Teachers Open Enrollment 8 th Grade Pre-AP Program Presentations Pre-AP/ AP Program Parent Night Mandatory College Board Training for Teachers Teacher Recommendations Spanish Pre-AP/AP Program Publications Celebration of National Merit Scholars Pre-AP/AP Program Student Recognition Student Support Systems – Pre-AP Learning Packets
Our Response… Pre-AP/AP Course Study Groups Student Grade/Reading Score Analysis Vertical Articulation of Pre-AP/ AP Teaching & Learning Strategies Vertical Articulation of Pre-AP/ AP Program Classroom Marks of Excellence Advanced Classroom Philosophy Restructuring Minority Student Recruitment Letters 5-Week Pre-AP Course Pre-View Window Pre-AP Faces Power Point Retain Great Teachers
Our Results… Pre-AP Enrollment Data Caucasian African-American Asian Hispanic Native American
Your Response… Think/ Pair/ Share Pre – AP/ AP Program Minority Recruitment Strategy Learning Activity
Closing Thoughts… Meeting the learning needs of all students must focus on helping teachers change their teaching– Not because teachers are the problem, but, because teachers are the solution. --Larry Lezotte
Questions? Questions Questions ?