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WHAT DOES AN ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER LOOK LIKE? defines argument as “a discussion involving different points of view; debate.” -Take a stance on a controversial topic and defend it with evidence. -You can write argumentative papers in many different subjects, in both the arts and sciences. Think of your paper as a court case!

THESIS STATEMENT Your first step to writing an argumentative paper is developing a thesis statement! What does a good thesis statement look like? The best thesis statements are clear, specific, and supported with a because or main reason. In addition, the best thesis statements should inspire action of some kind. Which is argumentative? 1. Fish swim in the water and breathe through gills. 2. Fisheries need to stop overfishing bodies of water, because overfishing causes species of fish to die out.

HOW TO SET UP AN ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER Introduction \ / Thesis statement Topic Paragraphs Conclusion \ / Why is all this significant? Each topic paragraph should contain evidence which supports your argument. AVOID THIS EFFECT 

WHEN NOT TO WRITE WITH AN OPINION Objective papers… -Give an overview of a subject -Do not argue for one side or the other -Represent each different perspective fairly Which of the following is objective? 1. While there are two sides to the gun control issue, it is clear that the world would be safer if no one was allowed to own a firearm. 2. Gun control is a controversial issue; some people believe individual owners should have the right to bear firearms while others believe the world would be safer if no one was allowed to have them.