MIS 565 – Advanced Ecommerce Course Outline Instructor: Ali Hashmi Fall 2012 Slide 1-1
Introductions Slide 1-2
Ground Rules IBA Attendance policy will be strictly enforced 4 absences are allowed Be in time to avoid any embarrassments IBA Grading Plan and policy IBA Plagiarism policy For IBA policy refer: Slide 1-3
Course Objectives Understanding of E-business/E-commerce Strategy Overview of E-commerce models and Applications: E-learning, E-government, E- Auctions, Online retailing, Social Networks, etc Understanding of different components of E- commerce/E-business: E-Marketing, Order fulfillment, E-logistics, E-infrastructure, etc Understanding of Launching a successful online Business and e-commerce projects Overview of some of the commercial applications Slide 1-4
Course Topics E-business and E-strategy EC Applications Web 2.0 and Social media networks E-learning and E-government M-commerce Online retailing E-Auctions EC Support services Online Payment and E-infrastructure Order fulfillment and logistics E-marketing Customer relationship management B2B E-commerce Launching a successful online Business Other topics Overview of some commercial applications/technologies that enables e-commerce/e-business MS Sharepoint Cloud Computing Magento Ecommerce system etc Slide 1-5
Text book Electronic Commerce 2010, 6th Edition By Efraim Turban, Jae Kyu Lee, Dave King, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall Publisher: Prentice Hall Slide 1-6
Grade Distribution Term exams: 30% Two term exams 15 % each Homework and quizzes: 20% Assignments/Presentations – 15% Surprise quizzes – 5% Project – 10% Final Exam: 40% Slide 1-7
Assignments Assignments (Presentations/writeup) Case Studies Small Projects Project – EC/E-biz Plan OR research topic New Business or e-expanding existing business Business Description Competitive Analysis Product/Service offerings Architecture/Web Development Plan Marketing Plan Operations Plan Financial Plan Slide 1-8
Assignment Submission Policy Assignments will include a Write-up and Presentations Assignment write-up should be submitted at the beginning of the class on the due date. Make a short presentation of the assignments as teams will be called at random to present. me the presentation prior to the class Late submissions -20% deduction per day There will be no extensions in due date of an assignment Slide 1-9
Project ideas Online expansion of current brick n mortar business New online business for local and/or international markets Expansion of an existing online business e.g new product line, new service offerings, new E-marketing initiatives, etc E-commerce using Mobile technologies Streamling business processes using online technologies e.g VOIP, Google docs, etc Leveraging Social Networking for E-commerce Etc Slide 1-10