Class Agenda 1/30/15 1. ACT Prep: Possessive Apostrophe 2. Post-It Proverbs 3. Proverb to Ponder 4. Literature Circle (example) Today you will, in writing, determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are written in a text using a post-it note discussion and creating a relative connection between proverbs, yourself, and a character from Things Fall Apart using statements such as: ◦ “This proverb means, to me, that…” ◦ “I can connect this proverb to ____ through/because…”
Post-It Proverbs ◦ Your post-note color corresponds with a proverb posted around the classroom. Read the proverb and write a response to the proverb. You may: ◦ Explain the proverb ◦ Connect the proverb to literature, your life, etc. ◦ Two minutes Take your post-it note to the poster and meet your group. You will each read your response out loud and place your post-it on the paper (5 minutes) What is a proverb? Discuss in your group for two minutes
African Proverb to Ponder A man on the ground cannot fall. Please connect this proverb to you and to a character or event from Things Fall Apart This proverb means, to me, that… I can connect this proverb to ______ through/because…
Bookmark ◦ Use the next slide to add the name pronunciations to your bookmark as well as the vocabulary words below ◦ Harmattan (pg. 5) - hot, dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the western Sahara and is strongest in late fall and winter (late November to mid-March) ◦ Ogene- musical instrument used to call the village people’s attention – similar to an announcement system ◦ Agbala- name for old or weak woman ◦ Obi- hut
Character Names ◦ Achebe (Ah-chay-bay) Nwoye (Nuh-woh-yeh) ◦ Chinua (Chin-oo-ah) Ojiubo (Oh-jee-ooh-boh) ◦ Ekwefi (Eh-kweh-fee) Okonkwo (Oh-kawn-kwoh) ◦ Ezinma (Eh-zeen-mah)Umuofia (Oo-moo-oh-fee-ah) ◦ Obierika (Oh-bee-air-ee-kah)Unoka (Ooh-no-kah) ◦ Ikemefuna (Ee-keh-meh-foo-nah)
Literature Circle ◦ For this book/unit, you will work as a group to keep track of literary features as well as cultural components present in the book ◦ Unit Question: How can an author use a work of fiction to make a statement about culture? ◦ While reading, you will use post-it notes to mark your items ◦ Literary features/devices such as theme, symbol, motif, similes, metaphors, repetition, etc. ◦ Character development, proverbs, and folk tales ◦ Cultural Components (in groups of four, this is split in to two roles) ◦ Food ◦ Ceremony ◦ Gender roles and issues ◦ Celebration ◦ Religion including gods and oracles ◦ Titles (lineage and affiliation)
Literature Circle ◦ Folders/Groups ◦ Assign roles ◦ Complete task for the day (find your features in chapters 1-2) ◦ Discuss with group members ◦ If you are absent, you may make up your role work for the assigned chapters ONLY if the absence is excused ◦ Place your finished work in the folder at the end of the period