Link Building Strategies You Can Use To Increase Your Rankings, Sales & Profits By Nicole Munoz
Step #1 PPC
Test via PPC in Search Network
Wait for Conversions Set up your tracking to track conversions After 100 impressions and no clicks, edit your ads. After 100 clicks and no conversions, edit your site or landing page. If no site, send PPC to your competitor’s sites to find out what keywords get highest impressions and clicks!
Step #2 Test with Market Samurai
Step #3 Allinanchor Test
What is allinanchor rankings? Your allinanchor ranking is to your link building what your Google ranking is to your SEO campaign! The allinanchor ranking is determined by the number of links pointing to your site with the anchor text.
“Educational Toys” Google SearchAllinanchor Search
Our Complete SEO Strategy! On Site SEO Off Site SEO
On Site SEO Run keywords and URLs in IBP If score less than 80% then make changes and re-run reports till score is 80% or higher Onsite SEO Audit Checklist
Internal Linking Run a site search with your keywords and find all the other internal pages that have the keyword on them. Site: keyword In the results you will see a list of pages on your site that have the keywords on them. Change the keywords to link to the page you want to rank for that keyword.
Off Site SEO Build Links Build Links to Our Links Bookmark and Ping everything Run all urls and check if indexed Build links to non indexed urls Build more links
Blog Post blog posts on your blog a minimum of 1 time per week. Up to 5 times per week is better. Use US writers to write content on your own blog. Link blog posts with the keywords to the pages you want to rank. Bookmark and Ping everything.
Article Marketing Submit one article to and Submit a 2 nd article to Link articles to your blog posts and pages you want to get ranked using keyword as the anchor text. Link articles to the category page and home page. Use a full URL in one of the links occasionally Bookmark and ping everything.
Unique Article Marketing Submit 5-20 articles to article directories that only accept unique content.
Hubs and Squidoos Each month create 5-10 Hubpages and 5-10 Squidoos Put two links: One to your main site and one to either your blog, an article in an article directory, or another hub or Squidoo. Add some videos and pictures Comment on other people’s hubs and Squidoos. Bookmark and ping everything.
Web 2.0 Marketing Each month create 5 new web 2.0 properties on sites such as Wordpress, Blogger, Livejournal until you have 25 Write 5 blog posts of 100 words each and put 1-2 links in each article. Link to your main site, your blog, an article on an article directory, a Hubpage, a Squidoo and/or a web 2.0 property. Bookmark and ping everything.
Juicer Site / Index Driver Buy a new or expired domain. Topic and name don’t matter. Setup a juicer site / index driver (See Eric Shannon’s PDF in the portal) Input your RSS feeds Check it every week or so and add new RSS feeds as needed. Okay to have multiple index drivers if you have enough RSS feeds to warrant it.
PR Pumpers Choose a topic that relates to your site or a category on your site. Write 5-20 articles on the topic Add articles to the site and link out to all of your web properties randomly. Each month create one. Better to mix it up and create one html site one month, and a blog another month. After a year you will have 12 sites you can post new content on at will.
Content Marketing Put 10 of your articles together as a pdf. Create a slideshow with summaries of your articles and pictures from Create video with Submit all via Traffic Geyser
Press Releases Two types: for backlinks or for traffic Can use article writers if submitting for backlinks Use a copywriter if using for traffic Submit via OnlinePRNews.
RSS Feeds Record the RSS feeds of all the web properties you will be creating. The article directories have one under the author account, the web 2.0 properties have one, all blogs have one, etc. Submit the RSS feed via or or RSS submit or other software once per month. Put the RSS feeds into a juicer site once you create one.
Links to Links of All Urls Keep track of all urls created each month Run all through scrapebox to check if indexed If not indexed put into your list of links to links 1. Add to Master Tracker to link to 2. Add to the Web 2.0 Blog Post Links 3. Add as a list of urls in juicer sites or as blog post links.
Links to Links with Software Use Blog commenting to get things indexed quickly Use Forum Profile Links, Blog Commenting, and Social Media Profile Links to build high quantity, low quality links fast. Use software to do in bulk. Remember if not indexed, it does not count!
Software We Use Go to ded-resources and you can see the list of software and resources we use. ded-resources
Competitive Analysis Research competitor’s links Check if indexed Get the easy ones done first Evaluate the quality of the others Acquire the high quality links
Backlink Analysis Resources SEOSpyglass Market Samurai Open Site Explorer
What to Look For Reciprocal Links Blog Commenting Forum Commenting Link Networks Paid Links Blog Roll Links Guest Post Articles Article Directories Web 2.0 Sites
Create ALB Master File
Disclosure = Accept Advertising
Actions 1. Look for Rate Cards 2. Find phone numbers of s and contact 3. Offer to sponsor a page or the site. Tell them you just want to get your competitor’s ads off of the page. 4. If a “thin” site that Google likes, then consider building a similar site with your links!
Before Contacting, Investigate
Guest Blog Posts Locate bloggers in your niche Contact them Offer Guest Blog Post
Guest Blog Posts: The Wrong Way Spamming hundreds of webmasters offering the same badly written article filled with grammar and spelling errors. Spamming hundreds of webmasters offering to sponsor their blog for $5 - $20.
Guest Blog Posts Find the top bloggers in your niche Comment on the blogs See who else is commenting on their blogs Follow them on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Build relationships with them Offer them a guest post or ask them to review an article on your blog. Offer money for the review. Others will follow. This takes months to do right.
Vertical Directories Sites that allow articles but have a stricter submission process Require an online writer persona that is submitting the articles Require unique content not published elsewhere
Vertical Directories Search via “submit article” + “keyword” “submit an article” or “guest blog post” Read rules of advertiser sharing sites. Some allow links, others don’t. Don’t be overly promotional. Articles should be informative.
Outsourcing Find people on or other sites. Post jobs for data entry or for an excel expert Must have excellent English skills Make a quick video or a pdf and show what you need done Outsource one link type at a time to each person
Summary Start with On Site Get a Blog Article Marketing to free, unique, and paid Hubs and Squidoos Web 2.0 Marketing Juicer Site / Index Driver PR Pumpers Content Marketing Backlink Analysis Analyze Your Progress High Quality Links Other link building opportunities Now…. GO GET LINKS