TASM Information on Mathematics Legislation Goal: To assist TASM members in staying aware of current legislative issues concerning mathematics education.
SB 3 Reduce math from 4 credits to 3 credits STEM and Distinquished Achievement endorsements require a 4 th math credit 4 th math credit does not have to be after Algebra 2 Repeals Algebra 2 satisfactory performance requirement on the EoC for graduation and college entrance Preserves the cumulative score for graduation (do not have to pass Algebra 2 to graduate)
SB math credits required for graduation o Algebra 1, Geometry are required courses o Algebra 2 or a substitute from approved list 1 EoC required for graduation o Algebra 1
HB 85 No graduation requirements addressed District will be able to choose how/if to use EoC scores for Algebra 1 EoC (eliminates state mandate of 15% of final grade). Eliminates Geometry and Algebra 2 EoCs
HB 640 Reduce the number of EoCs from 15 to 3. o Algebra I o English III o Writing III Prohibits the use of student performance on EoC for class rankings
Instructional Materials Need better funding for schools. Texas ranks 49 th in US for dollars allotted per student. SBOE discussed the review process of instructional materials including CSCOPE.
Considerations If EoCs are eliminated, will rigor in courses be affected? How will changes affect students in the current “pipeline”? How will funding affect student achievement, national perceptions, even implementation of revised TEKS?
Suggested Resources App: Texlege gives information about the current legislative session. Go to STAT website and use their legislative link: Find the current legislative information at the Texas Legislative site: TASA has a capitol link:
We Want Your Input What are the top 3 talking points that are related to these issues? What are the possible implications of these talking points with your students and teachers?