FLUIDOPS IN NEWPROT Peter Haase, Michael Schmidt, Andreas Schwarte fluid Operations AG
fluidOps NewProt Team Peter Haase Lead Architect R&D PhD in Computer Science from University of Karlsruhe Long experience in national and EU research projects Expertise in semantic technologies, knowledge representation, ontologies and cloud computing Co-author of the W3C OWL 2 standard Michael Schmidt Senior Architect R&D PhD in Computer Science from University of Freiburg Expertise in databases, query optimization, semantic technologies and cloud computing Andreas Schwarte Development Engineer R&D MSc from University of Saarbrücken Expertise in data federation, self-service portals
fluid Operations (fluidOps) Software company founded Q1/2008 by team of serial entrepreneurs, privately held, VC funded Headquarters in Walldorf / Germany, SAP Partner Port Currently 40 employees eCloudManager Product Suite introduced in Feb 2009 Information Workbench introduced in Jan 2010 Start of CollabCloud project together with German Ministry of Research Nov 2009 Chosen by the German Ministry of Research to supply standard interface and self- service cloud portal for German D-Grid e-Science backbone initiative Jun 2010 Named “Cool Vendor for SAP 2010” by Gartner Mar 2010 Global reseller agreement with EMC focus large enterprise customers Apr 2010 Chosen NetApp Advantage Alliance Partner Oct 2010
Cloud Computing - Everything as a Service Abstract from physical implementation details and location of resources Regardless of geographic or organizational separation of provider and consumer “In the cloud” Web based Virtualized On-demand Self-service Scalable Pay as you go Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service Software as a Service Data as a Service
Enterprise Clouds – the eCloud Vision All resources of an adaptive, cloud-enabled IT environment can be set up, monitored, and maintained from a single, unified, and intuitive management console: Internal and external IT resources accessible across stack without vendor lock-in High degree of automation and IT provisioning at click of button on the level of enterprise landscapes Internal portal of private/public IT services with e.g. pay-as-you-go cost models
eCloudManager in a Nutshell Enterprise Storage Semantic Integration Unified API Access to heterogeneous resources Unified monitoring of resources Extendable provider architecture Automation Automated, on- demand provisioning Policy engine for error-tracking Availability monitoring Orchestration workflows Security User management Role concept Utilization monitoring Error- and Failure detection and handling Audit Log and Jobs Self-Service Portal Multi-user architecture One-click provisioning Utilization and (Service-) Availability monitoring Metering and billing Analytics Historical data management Search and exploration Collaborative documentation Dashboards and reporting Service Definition Template Library Zone definition SLA definition Resource reservation and management Network Virtual Compute Physical Compute Enterprise Application Landscapes
Linked Data and Semantic Technologies Linked Data Set of standards, principles for publishing, sharing and interrelating structured knowledge From data silos to a Web of Data RDF as graph based data model Ontologies to describe the semantics Benefits of Linked Data Data Integration: Semantically integrate and interlink data scattered among different information systems Simplified publishing and sharing of data: Increase openness and accessibility of Enterprise Data Enrichment and contextualization through interlinking: Value add by linking to Linked Open Data Improved user experience: Leverage semantic technologies for better search and presentation, address more expressive information needs
Linked Open Data Cloud
Information Workbench - Linked Data Platform 9 Information Workbench: Semantics- & Linked Data-based integration of private and public data sources Intelligent Data Access and Analytics Visual Exploration Semantic Search Dashboarding and Reporting Collaboration and knowledge management platform Wiki-based curation & authoring of data Collaborative workflows Semantic Web Data
Self-service Deployment Data Discovery, Data Integration Self-service deployment of the Information Workbench in the cloud Pay-per-use Scalability on demand On demand access to private and public data sources Virtualized data access Pay-per-use data integration Self-service UI & Analytics Living UI, composed from semantics-aware widgets Ad hoc data exploration, visualization, analytics Advanced Customizing Extensible Platform Various interfaces and SDKs User-defined widgets, providers, etc. Provisioning, Monitoring and Management Infrastructure Layer (IaaS) Virtualization Layer Network Computing Resources Netw.-Att. Stora ge Open Data SourcesEnterprise Data Sources Application Layer (SaaS) Developer Interfaces & APIs Data Layer (DaaS)
Information Workbench: Federation of Virtualized Data Sources Application Layer Virtualization Layer Data Layer Data Source SPARQL Endpoint Metadata Registry See also: FedX: Optimization Techniques for Federated Query Processing on Linked Data (ISWC2011)
Semantic Wiki + Widgets as Self-service Linked Data Frontend Semantic Wiki for linking of unstructured and structured data Declarative specification of the UI based on available pool of widgets and declarative wiki-based syntax Widgets have direct access to the DB Type-based template mechanism Wiki Page in Edit Mode … … and Displayed Result Page
Information Workbench – Linked Data as a Service Application Areas Knowledge Management in the Life Sciences Digital Libraries, Media and Content Management Intelligent Data Center Management
fluidOps Customers Won Customers
Example: Linked Data in Pharma Integ Public Data Sources Search, Interrogate and Reason Capture and Augment Knowledge Visualize, Analyze and Explore Integrated data graph over all data sources Private Data Sources Main Use Cases Integrate data from company-internal data silos Augment company- internal data with Linked Open Data Collaborative knowledge management Support of internal processes (drug development)
Information Workbench for Dynamic Semantic Publishing at BBC Information Workbench for DSP Collaborative authoring and linking of unstructured and structured semantic data Ontology and instance data management DSP editorial workflows Automation of content creation and enrichment Olympics 2012 requirements A lot of output... Page per Athlete [10,000+], Page per country [200+], Page per Discipline [ ], Time coded, metadata annotated, on demand video, 58,000 hours of content Almost real time statistics and live event pages with too many web pages for too few journalists Dynamic Semantic Publishing (DSP) architecture to automate content aggregation
Role of fluidOps in NewProt, Expectations Development of a Self Service Portal Based on Information Workbench and eCloudManager technology stack (See also presentation on the portal this afternoon) Gain experience in the life science domain Potential commercialization of the portal
CONTACT: fluid Operations Altrottstr. 31 Walldorf, Germany website: Tel.: