Lecturer :Jan Röman Students:Daria Novoderejkina,Arad Tahmidi,Dmytro Sheludchenko
Asian options are options that are based on an average value over a certain time period Mostly written on commodities and currencies Monte Carlo method is a powerful tool for pricing such options
Quanto means that investor has no currency risks Min Lookback options are giving their holder a right to buy the underlying asset for its lowest value recorded during the options lifetime Basket options are a type of Multi-asset options with the underlying security represented by not one, but several distinct assets with specified weights
In our case the strike price is determined by the minimum value of the underlying asset over an initial time period. Payoff is determined as a difference between average price on predetermined time period and the strike.
In Mathematical terms:
Where A(T) is the Asian price K – minimum price over predetermined initial period B - price of the basket at time t V - corresponding weight of the underlying asset i in the basket, represents the price of the underlying asset i N is the number of the reset dates M is the amount of the lookback dates d is the number of the underlying assets.
From Black-Scholes world we know : The first equation describes risk-free asset price (B(t)) dynamic. The second equation represents the risky asset price (S(t)) movement and is a stochastic differential equation.
When solving the differential equation mentioned above and use Girsanov theorem, we end up with the following result:
Here we will give a short description of how Monte-Carlo simulations work and how they can be used to price complex instruments. The easiest approach would be to start with a plain European call option in the Black-Scholes world. Risk-free interest rate is continuously compounded and price of the underlying is governed by the stochastic equation described before.
If we consider natural logarithm of the stock price: x(t)=ln(S(t)) We will find that it can be described by dynamics below:
In other words: Z increment in the equation above is distributed with zero mean and ∆t variance. Considering this, we are able to simulate the random process with ∆t*ℰ and a normally distributed sigma. We obtain:
We used all the information provided above to make a Matlab application. We consider a portfolio consisting of three assets with its own usual parameters as well as its weight in the portfolio. User can also set number of simulations and lookback dates. User determines also length of initial and average period for an option