The Power of Storytelling to Shape and Share Your Fundraising Message Presenters: Patricia Clemency CFRE and Heather Forest, Ph.D.
Storytelling is a powerful medium for a message Stories carry: Information Emotion Stories generate Empathy Stories inspire Action
Tales As Useful Tools Why are stories powerful? How do I know which story best serves my purpose?
What is an Organizational Narrative? An organizational narrative is a group of stories that embody an organization’s mission.
Five Valuable Types of Stories for Your Pocketful of Tellable Tales THE INSIDE STORY
Stories of Personal Passion Why you personally care about your group or its mission.
Stories of the Organization Tales of your mission in action! Offers history and credibility
Stories of the Recipients Examples of positive change for those served
Stories of the Donors These stories encourage others to become supporters
The Future Story A vision of how the world will change when you accomplish your goals
Are you missing some key stories for your “Pocketful of Tales?” Gather Stories Informally- Ask questions, be an investigative reporter, interview Gather Stories Formally- Create story circles to gather group’s experiences
The Power of Story for Information It is easier to remember information in a story than as a list of disconnected facts.
Stories Travel Far An effective story touches both the heart and the mind, takes on a life of its own in repeated sharing and can create positive social change.