AENEAS Attaining Energy Efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society Better LifeTime 2008 Brussels, November 21, 2008 Ragnar Domstad, project ambassador Based.


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Presentation transcript:

AENEAS Attaining Energy Efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society Better LifeTime 2008 Brussels, November 21, 2008 Ragnar Domstad, project ambassador Based on presentation by project leader Matthias Fiedler, Rupprecht Consult

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 What is AENEAS?  Attaining energy-efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society  Start August 2008  Duration 34 months  Sponsored by „Intelligent Energy Europe“ Programme of EACI (Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation)

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Who participates in AENEAS? – 12 partners  Rupprecht Consult (Coordinator), DE  REC - Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (Dissemination), HU  EMTA - European Metropolitan Transport Authorities, FR  AGE – The European Older People’s Platform, BE  City of Donostia – San Sebastián, ES  City of Krakow, PL  City of München, DE  Green City, DE  Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (Public Transport), DE  City of Odense, DK  Salzburg AG Stadtbus, AT  Zentrum für Generationen und Barrierefreiheit, AT (Center for Generations and No Barriers)

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 How does AENEAS work?  General challenges:  The traffic system must be adapted to the demographic changes ( also understand users)  Readiness and abilities of ageing persons to use transport alternatives need to be developed  But: Classic mobility management cannot be converted 1:1! Paul Bickelbacher

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Soft Measures  Concrete application of soft measures: e.g. mobility management, awareness raising, training, mobility days  Focus on energy-efficiency without neglecting other aspects (attractiveness, cost savings, or health benefits)  Achieve modal shift  Promote innovative schemes – including walking, cycling and Carsharing  Foster clean, energy-efficient and safe urban mobility  Positively influence abilities of older people to live healthy and independently Green City

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 “Good Practice Exchange Ring”  “Exchange” of successful concepts for implementation in partner cities and beyond  European transfer via dedicated training units for transport practitioners and urban planners  Other “transfer tools”, e.g. internet, high-quality paper documents (dissemination crucial)  Practical lessons and expert advisors  At least 50 cities directly involved  creation of a network with wider European outreach  create an active network (“living organism”)  also create a knowledge basis on demographic change and sustainable urban transport

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Dissemination and communication  Best practice collection and dissemination  study tour catalogue, good practice implementation guide, brochures, internet and events  Dialogue and interactivity between internal and external stakeholders  Innovative elements (e.g. public debate, ambassador)  Involvement of senior citizens (participatory activities crucial) Kerstin Langer

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 AENEAS – aiming at visible impact  Responding to users’ needs with concrete action (example to others)  Helping cities to find the right answers to challenges  Responding to EU policy aims (energy, transport)  Create awareness for the (future) dimension of the challenge  Bring together right people from across Europe  becoming “THE” European project on older people and sustainable mobility

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Local activities: Donostia – San Sebastián (180,000) Donostia – San Sebastián: Local Activities  Promote walking among older people  Improve pedestrian conditions by eliminating obstacles and dangerous elements  Workshops and walking campaign reaching 2,000 people  New lifts and escalators  Adapting public transport services for older people  Smaller vehicles, more flexibility  Training for bus drivers  Workshops to promote public transport among the elderly + information campaign  Older people and road safety  Training programme for older people  Detect black spots and remove them  Monitoring and evaluation system on road accidents of older people

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Local activities: Kraków ( )  Service staff at important PT transfer points  Assistance when boarding  Information and advice  Safer PT for seniors  Improved safety in buses and trams  Awareness campaign for young persons  Information- and marketing campaign  Propaganda for more walking, bicycling and PT usage  persons  5 workshops with seniors

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Local activities: München (Munich) 1.3 million – seniors München: Local activities in AENEAS  Mobility management and direct marketing  Multimodal – incl. carsharing, walking and cycling  persons will be contacted, persons will be more involved in direct marketing  Elektronic medias and Travel information  Internet cannot replace personal advice but can limit it  Training for older people – use of Internet for Travel planning, Ticket vending machines, mobility offers with high extent of automisation: public bicycles, carsharing  Ca. 250 persons,  Mobility training for older peple  Training programme with theory as well as practical applications PT, walking and cycling  Traffic safety and animation how to use it

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Local Activities: Odense ( ) Odense: Local Activities in AENEAS  Walking campaign for 5,000 people  Encourage older people to walk instead of using cars  Foster public health  Walk-/ Runabout arrangement for 2x2,500 people  Mobility in urban area  Promotion of walking as a serious mode  Walking routes in the city centre  Guided cycling tours for the elderly  Promote cycling among older people  Guided tours incl. training elements

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 Local Activities: Salzburg ( ) Salzburg: Local Activities in AENEAS  Mobility management for seniors  Marketing, Information and communication campaign  Mobility Days  Ca persons should be approached  Training for passengers and bus drivers  Make it possible for older people to use PT according to their needs  Seniors: small groups, ca 8 activities per year  Bus drivers: Awareness of needs for older passengers  „Salzburg erfahren“ – „Experience Salzburg“  Broschure with the most important sights, anecdotes etc. Along the main bus lines  Heavy involvement of older people when going through measures  Edition ca

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 AENEAS – aiming at visible impact  Responding to users’ needs with concrete action (example to others)  Helping cities to find the right answers to challenges  Responding to EU policy aims (energy, transport)  Create awareness for the (future) dimension of the challenge  Bring together right people from across Europe  becoming “THE” European project on older people and sustainable mobility

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 How can I be part of AENEAS?  Create a European network of cities and organizations  Focused training workshops for practical use  National and regional activities  Supervision and Good-Practice  Newsletter and Internet

AENEAS Auftaktkonferenz, Salzburg 16. September 2008 AENEAS Thank you for your attention! project leader: ambassador: