Mosaics can be used to create artworks as detailed as paintings! This mosaic altarpiece in St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City is a wonderful example of mosaic mastery.
Detail of mosaic in St. Peter’s
Mosaics in Architecture The very first mosaics existed as wall coverings in churches and villas. Many of these early mosaics depicted religious scenes, told stories, or added aesthetic beauty to important structures.
Interior of church at Ravenna, 425A.D. Floor mosaic at the Great Palace of Constantinople, 483A.D.
Antonio Gaudi
Guell Park, Barcelona Spain
Gaudi’s Colonia Guell Church Virtual visit at
Tesserae The individual pieces that make up a mosaic are called tesserae These are commonly made of stone, glass, pottery, or shell
How do you create a mosaic? There are 3 different methods that artists use to make mosaics: 1.The direct method 2.The indirect method 3.The double-indirect method
The direct method: This is the method we will use to make a mosaic artwork! 1.A design is drawn onto a support surface (such as a panel, a table-top, a picture frame or whatever you want to make a mosaic on) 2.Tesserae are cut out and glued directly onto the support 3.The entire surface is grouted
Indirect Method This is the method most often used for large projects! 1.Tiles are applied face-down to a backing paper using adhesive 2.The mosaic is transferred onto a floor, wall, or other surface 3.This method results in a smoother surface making it ideal for benches and tabletops
Double Indirect Method Used when it is important to see the work during the creation process (when you’re making a portrait) 1.Tiles are applied face-up to a backing paper using adhesive 2.When complete, a similar adhesive is applied to the top 3.The piece is turned over and the initial adhesive is removed 4.The mosaic is transferred onto a floor, wall, or other surface
Examples of finished mosaics
You will create an abstract mosaic artwork on panel using glass tesserae. Before you begin, you will create a drawing outlining what your finished mosaic will look like. Your finished mosaic MUST be based on your drawing! Your Task: You will be graded on appropriate use of materials, craftsmanship, success in creating a mosaic based on your original drawing, overall effort, and creativity/uniqueness of design and composition