Meetings and minutes
Meetings Roles: Chairman Minutes secretary Participants
Meetings: tasks (1) Chairman: Make/send agenda Chair the meeting: Summarise Draw conclusions Make sure everyone sticks to the agenda Watch time schedule
Meetings: tasks (2) Minutes secretary: Summarise the discussion Short and business like Write down: who said what Summarise per agenda point
Agenda: Items “A meeting of … was held on… at…” Present were…. Absent were… Minutes secretary… Agenda items 1…x
Agenda items (1) Call to order Review the agenda “… called the meeting to order at…” Review the agenda Approve, adjust if necessary Papers received and sent Approval minutes “… presented the minutes of…. Motions were made, seconded and unanimously adopted. The minutes were approved as presented”.
Agenda items (2) … … etc. Any other business Adjournment “There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at….”