smartsm TM Fast Track to EBSM TM
Presentation Overview Implementation Timescales Technical Overview Product Features Configuring for your Authority Product Understanding
Features Menu Experimenta l Purchase Experimenta l Purchase Delivering Relevant Stock Delivering Relevant Stock Sourcing Stock Internally Sourcing Stock Internally Stock Checking Stock Checking Analysing Stock Use Analysing Stock Use Informed Purchasing Decisions Informed Purchasing Decisions Supplier Selection Specificatio n Supplier Selection Specificatio n Supplier Selection Overview Supplier Selection Overview Supplier Selection Profiling Supplier Selection Profiling Target Driven Framework Target Driven Framework Stock Quality Stock Quality Monitoring Stock Management Performance Monitoring Stock Management Performance Central technical structure Central technical structure Measuring Supplier Performance Measuring Supplier Performance Monitoring Against Contract Monitoring Against Contract
Web Monthly Upload Technical Access SmartSM from your SmartSM LMS Adapter Data Extracts
Configuration Simple screens for flexible administration of: –Authority structure, libraries and Groupings –Users and Roles. –Fiction Collections and Groupings. –Categories Groupings of Class Ranges (e.g. Soc&Rec) Loading datasets from your LMS –SmartSM LMS adapter runs once per month on your LMS server –Produces a dataset in a standard format (CSV file) –Simple file upload screen
North (8) Barmulloch, Drumchapel, Milton, Possilpark, Royston, Sighthill, Springburn, Woodside South (6) Castlemilk, Pollokshaws Pollokshields … etc. West (12) Anderston Anniesland Cardonald … etc. East (8) Baillieston Bridgeton Easterhouse Parkhead … etc Configuration Scenario - Glasgow Each Authority can configure the structure grouped by geographical region as per this Glasgow model
Implementation Activities & Timescales Bridgeall Effort (Days) Pre-Implementation Review1.0 Kick Off Meeting1.0 Install & Test LMS Adapter3.0 Configure SmartSM0.5 Initial Runs & Tuning2.0 Baseline Health Checks2.0 Configure Local Targets0.5 Training2.0 Total12.0
Delivering Relevant Stock “ It takes us so long to work out whether we’re providing stock that customers want that we can only afford to do it once a year ” …. is that enough? What if …. When trying to work out whether you’re providing stock that customers want, you could quickly tell, per library: How well used the books are! Plus set a target for availability. See what exactly you need to do to reach target! …. Would this help?
What if? What if …. “When coming in to look for favourite authors, customers could always choose from a fully stocked range of bestsellers” …. Would that help? SMARTSM can produce a Popular Author report which Identifies most popular authors in each library facilitating targeted spend or transfers
What if? What if …. When trying to trying to get best value out of a tight book fund: Stock is Targeted towards local demand and sourced internally where possible to avoid waste! ….Would that help? SmartSM - Under represented author report Identify under represented authors and suggest quantity to purchase or transfer from other libraries “I can’t believe we spent that much on Grisham novels at Drumchapel when there’s loads of underused stock lying in Pollokshields. If we don’t do something soon we’ll continue to burn money!” How can I do this? …
Analysing Stock Use “We don't really have a quick and easy way of telling what stock is moving and what isn't ! ” What if …. When trying to perform detailed stock profiling, you could run a report which clearly shows the % of stock on loan, identifies over and under-stocked ranges, as well as high and low usage, …would that help? SmartSM can produce a General Stock use Summary report How can I do this? …
Non Fiction – General Stock Use Summary (4) Identifies over/under stocked ranges (1) Summarises your NF Stock Position (5) Target parameters for high/low use (settable through Administration screens) (2) %age of stock on loan (3) Target parameters for over and under stock (settable through Administration screens) (6) Identifies high or low usage (7) Indicates shelf saturation General Stock Use Summary Report
Informed Purchasing “There aren't many measurements in place and it's difficult to get the data we need to make informed choices, so many of our stock purchasing decisions are based on intuition rather than fact” What if… when placing orders for new stock, you could reduce waste by following clear guidance on what and how much to buy / move, where previously they had to use guesswork, …would that help? SmartSM Non-Fiction Stock Use Advice report
Non Fiction - Stock Use Advice (2) Saturated subjects have recommended withdrawals identified (1) Total to purchase by class and library Stock Use Summary Report
Supplier Selection Specify Fine Tune Monitor Assess Performance Assess Performance General Requirements Library Requirements Assess Performance
Supplier Selection Profiling “As part of our contract for Supplier Selection I have to specify profiles across Fiction and Non-Fiction!” What if …. when specifying profiles across Fiction and Non-Fiction, you could produce a detailed specification, eliminating the need for continuous meetings to fine-tune the contract …would that help? Supplier Selection – Specify General Requirements report
Supplier Selection – SPECIFY General Requirements (4) Calculates apportioned spend for supplier (3) Based on actual use (2) Split by class ranges (1) Amount to spend Stock Use Summary Report When running this report an amount to spend is entered and based on current usage analysis this apportions that spend pro-rata. This helps to ensure that money is spent in proportion to demand.
Supplier Selection Specification “Specifications are often very vague and subjective, so we end up having endless meetings involving high level staff, to fine tune the contract” What if… When producing specifications for Supplier Selection, you could ensure they are detailed and targeted towards local demand, eliminating the need for continuous meetings to fine-tune the contract …would that help? Supplier Selection – Specify Library Requirements Report
Supplier Selection – SPECIFY Library Requirements (3) Also identifies purchases to be made due to high use (2) Identifies number to purchase due to under-stocking (1) Analyses class ranges for each library Library Stock Use Advice Report This report can be provided to the book supplier. Operates at Library Level.. This report can be provided to the book supplier. Operates at Library Level..
Monitoring The Contract “We're entering into a Supplier Selection contract but I'm afraid of losing control over what's being supplied to us and when “ What if… when trying to gain control over what is supplied and when, you could always know exactly what has been received so far, …would that help? Supplier Selection – Monitor Library Requirements report
Supplier Selection - MONITOR Library Requirements (2) Identifies no. of books received to date (1) Monitors a particular contract code Library Stock Use Advice Report
Experimental Purchasing “We have various ways of customers and staff suggesting new material but we don't really know how well it works - it's all a bit hit and miss really” What if … When trying to encourage experimental purchases and ensure their success, staff could monitor how well their selected subject is performing to give them confidence in their decisions, would that help? …Would that help SmartSM Experimental Purchase report
Fiction – Experimental Purchase (1) Library requesting experimental purchase? (2) Subject Groupings (3) Under performing subjects highlighted Library Stock Use Advice Report SmartSM provides a few screens to enable the capture of suggestions and, when purchases have been made, the tracking of Experimental stock use
Measuring Supplier Performance “It's going to take a lot of resources and effort to measure how well our Suppliers are performing. We don't have that resource so how am I going to cope?” What if… when trying to assess how well Suppliers are performing, Library staff could quickly and simply analyse the performance of a particular contract … would that help? SmartSM Supplier Selection – Assess Performance Report
Supplier Selection – ASSESS Performance (2) Identifies over/under stocked ranges (1) Analyses performance of a particular contract (3) Identifies high/low use ranges Assess Supplier Performance Report Data can be reported on an authority-wide basis or library basis This provides an in-depth analysis of where the book supplier has delivered to date
Stock Check “We need to do a stock check but it's going to take forever (because we have no existing reports/tools to help us)” What if… when trying to obtain a clean catalogue, library staff could quickly run a 'dead stock' report, take the list to the shelves and ascertain whether the item is there or missing…would that help SmartSM Fiction – Dead Stock Summary SmartSM Fiction – Dead Stock Summary Graph SmartSM Fiction – Dead Stock Summary List
Fiction – Dead Stock Summary (1) Overview of Dead Stock performance per library (2) Non compliance highlighted (3) Targets can be modified Dead Stock summary Report Dead Stock summary Graph Dead Stock List Report (3) Graphical view (1) Identifies what should be removed (2) And whether this has been previously indicated (and not actioned) Dead Stock summary presents the percentage figures of Dead Stock and highlights those below the desired target ADULT and JUNIOR stock can be reported separately Dead Stock summary presents the percentage figures of Dead Stock and highlights those below the desired target ADULT and JUNIOR stock can be reported separately
Performance Target Driven Framework To reflect desired improvements –Flexible target setting Cross-authority Cross region/group Per library –Historical & Future Targets are maintained –All reports based on targets
Stock Quality “We never seem to have the time nor the resource to check the quality of our stock - there are loads of tattered books out there - I feel hopeless! ” What if … When trying to meet stock quality standards, library staff could quickly and easily run a report that lists exactly what should be removed from shelves and why … Would that help? SmartSM Fiction – Grubby Stock Summary & Graph SmartSM Fiction – Grubby Stock Summary List
Fiction – Grubby Stock Summary (1) Summarises per library the stock that has had a high level of use (the level is settable) Grubby summary Report Grubby Stock List (1) Shows the actual items referred to in the Summary report (2) Indication given if stock has been recorded as grubby in a previous report
Target Driven Framework “We have many libraries of differing size, history and with unique or different characteristics – we can’t possibly set authority-wide targets and hope for all libraries to meet the same targets” What if … When trying to set targets, you were able to set targets cross- authority or for a specific library or for a grouping of libraries, so that staff can see that targets are achievable in their environment and remain motivated, … would that help? SmartSM User defined Target Setting parameters
Stock Management Performance “From time-to-time we have various initiatives to improve stock management but sometimes a lack of coordination and visibility of measurements means that we don’t really know if our efforts have improved things” What if … When trying to measure improvements staff could do so directly from the data, quickly and easily, and compare any points in time against each other to show progress, … would that help? SmartSM Performance – Fiction - Dead Stock SmartSM Performance – Fiction - Grubby Stock
Performance – Fiction - Dead Stock (1) Compare any 2 datasets from any point in time (2) Performance highlighted where target is not met Grubby Stock Performance Report Dead Stock Performance Report (1) Compare any 2 datasets from any point in time (2) Performance highlighted where target is not met
Summary of Featured Reports - Fiction - Non Fiction - Performance - Supplier Selection
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