Registration Survey Prepared October 10, 2012 Analysis
3 Online Survey Respondents Total Participants: 401
4 Split of respondents by type
5 Split of respondents by nationality
6 Q1. What comes to mind when you think of the Single Market?
7 An impressive work in progress Same rules for different actors Four Freedoms A major step towards a more integrated and connected European market with many benefits for European citizens and organizations The European Single Market is a unique opportunity for every single European to travel, exchange ideas, build things for a better world. A tool that increases opportunities and closes gaps between countries. A great achievement from the EU within 20 years but still many obstacles to overcome and also a need of more communication towards every stakeholders on a European, national and local level A big idea left unfinished Lots of opportunities for SMEs, but it is not easy for them to make full use of these opportunities
8 Q2. Overall perception of the European Single Market Very negative Negative Neutral Positive Very positive
9 Q2. Overall perception of the European Single Market, % Very negative Negative Neutral Positive Very positive
10 Q3: Which of the following aspects of the European Single Market are most important to you?
11 Q3: Which of the following aspects of the European Single Market are most important to you?
12 Q3: Which of the following aspects of the European Single Market are most important to you?
13 Q4: How many Member States of the European Union have you worked in? Number of Member States
14 Q4: How many Member States of the European Union have you worked in?, %
15 Q5. What, if any, are your positive and negative experiences of the European Single Market?
16 Q5. What, if any, are your positive and negative experiences of the European Single Market? Participation in education and research has been very positive A negative aspect is that on the fiscal and economic field little has been harmonised yet No border controls anymore, single currency and harmonised payment system (IBAN/BIC), the freedom to travel abroad with few restrictions, the right to obtain social security benefits abroad as in your home country Still too many barriers for online sales. Travelling across borders is easy. Big variety of products. Too many national technical rules. National politicians and as a consequence also public civil servants are too much focused on national politics - and less interested in 'the common project: the Single Market'. We need all the EU citizens, especially politicians to continue working in order to implement it and improve it when loopholes are detected. This is a great project and one of the EU strengths that can help us to recover from the crisis; this is the moment for the EU to continue walking and not doing steps backwards.
17 Q6a: The European Single Market benefits all European citizens and not only big companies Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
18 Q6a: The European Single Market benefits all European citizens and not only big companies, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
19 Q6b: The European Single Market has been the driving force behind European economic development and prosperity since 1992 Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
20 Q6b: The European Single Market has been the driving force behind European economic development and prosperity since 1992, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
21 Q6c: The European Single Market is still a valuable asset to re-establish growth in Europe Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
22 Q6c: The European Single Market is still a valuable asset to re-establish growth in Europe, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
23 Q6d: The European Single Market strengthens the role of Europe in the world Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
24 Q6d: The European Single Market strengthens the role of Europe in the world, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
25 Q6e: The development of the European Single Market has balanced competitiveness, liberalisation and social cohesion Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
26 Q6e: The development of the European Single Market has balanced competitiveness, liberalisation and social cohesion, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
27 6e: The development of the European Single Market has balanced competitiveness, liberalisation and social cohesion Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
28 6e: The development of the European Single Market has balanced competitiveness, liberalisation and social cohesion, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
29 Q6f: The European Single Market has improved the way Europeans live, work, travel, do business and study Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
30 Q6f: The European Single Market has improved the way Europeans live, work, travel, do business and study, % Strongly disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly agree
31 Q7: Why do you want to participate in this event?
32 Q8: What is the main source of information for what you know about the European Single Market?