Fujitsu’s XBRL Activities Makoto Koizumi Fujitsu Limited 2006 May 16th
Corporate introduction Fujitsu is: 3 rd largest IT service provider in the world (Consolidated Sales Revenue USD 42.7 Billions (42,780M) (FY2005)) Providing Semiconductor, Platform, Middleware, Integration, Outsourcing and IT Consulting services in the world Investing USD 2 Billions (2,156M) in R&D (5% of Sales Revenue)
History of Fujitsu’s XBRL Activities Year 2001 –Founded XBRL Japan with other founders –Released Interstage XWand –Released first version of Taxonomy Editor Year 2002 –Released first version of Instance Creator –Joined XBRL US Year 2003 –Sent Specification WG Chair –Nominated best taxonomy development tool in XBRL International Conference in Seattle –Contributed XBRL 2.1 Specification development Year 2004 –Released Interstage XWand and tools –Joined of XBRL ES Year 2005 –Joined XBRL DE, IR, KR
Membership of XBRL Consortium XBRL Canada XBRL USA XBRL Ireland XBRL UK XBRL Sweden XBRL Japan XBRL Korea XBRL Australia XBRL New Zealand XBRL Germany XBRL Netherlands XBRL Spain International China Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Brazil France Portugal Belgium Denmark South Africa EU Fujitsu group is member of several jurisdictions
Products/Services we provides Commercial Products Interstage XWand Interstage XWand Manager Services Consulting System Integration
Products/Services we provides For Consortium Activities (Non Commercial Activities) XBRL Tools for: –Taxonomy Development –Sample Instance Creation –Transformation –Side-by-Side Comparison And so on… XBRL Tools available at: xwand/activity/xbrltools/index.html Updates and downloaded from over 20 countries every month
Recent News (TSE) Tokyo Stock Exchange releases 99 instance documents on April 25. Fujitsu provides service and tools to browse instance documents with human readable format. URLhttp:// l_top.html Target companiesOf the securities used for the calculation of TOPIX 100, 33 listed companies submit XBRL data (Instance) to TSE. TSE selected these companies based on their business categories and accounting standards applied. Information subject to XBRL Consolidated earnings digest (final results) (for the recent three periods preceding March 1, 2006) Expected period of public availability Until September 30, 2006 (expected) Source:
Recent News (Tools) Instance Viewer Plug-in –IE plug-in to browse XBRL 2.1 Instance document with human readable format Sheet Instance Creator –An Instance input and validate tool. Instance Extractor –Command line conversion tool from XBRL instance document to CSV format Sheet Mapping Tool –Map cells in Excel Spreadsheet and Taxonomy elements. –Convert Excel data to XBRL Instance document.
Future Contributing consortium –Spec development –Domain activity –Tools for voluntary working Commercial product development / enhancement –Interstage XWand –Interstage XWand Manager –New Solutions with XBRL Adopting XBRL in Public sector and Commercial sector –Disclosure / Regulatory Reporting –Internal Reporting –Internal Control Challenge more…