This Is My Beloved Son 1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters


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Presentation transcript:

This Is My Beloved Son 1. Jesus entered Jordan’s waters When His work had just begun. God the Father spoke from heaven: “This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” 2. Nephites gazing into heaven Saw their white-robed Savior come. And they heard the Father witness: 3. Joseph saw two glorious beings Shining brighter than the sun. God again presented Jesus: 4. As I read the scriptures daily— Words of Christ, the Holy One— In my heart I’ll hear God tell me: Words: Marvin K. Gardner, b. 1952 Music: Vanja Y. Watkins, b. 1938 © 1987 Vanja Y. Watkins and Marvin K. Gardner. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This Is My Beloved Son

Martyr I need a volunteer to come to the front of the class. Would you be willing to be a martyr? Do any of you know what a martyr is?

Martyr A martyr is a person who believes so strongly in something that he or she gives his or her life as a witness.

This lesson is about a man who had a strong testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost and was martyred because of that testimony.

Stephen, the Martyr “Lesson 39: Stephen, the Martyr,” Primary 7: New Testament, 135 & “Wicked Men Kill Stephen” New Testament Scripture Stories, Chapter 57, 150-151

Many Jewish leaders thought that miracles would stop when Jesus died. However, the Apostles also performed miracles. Many people believed in Jesus Christ and joined the Church.

This made many Jewish leaders angry. They put Peter and John in prison. King Herod Agrippa had the Apostle James killed.

The Apostles called seven men to help lead the Church The Apostles called seven men to help lead the Church. One was a righteous man named Stephen. He taught the gospel to many people. Some wicked people lied and said that Stephen spoke against Jewish law.

They took him to be tried by the Jewish leaders. Stephen told the leaders that they were wicked. He said that they had killed Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Then Stephen looked up into heaven and saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When he told the leaders what he saw, they were very angry.

They took Stephen out of the city to kill him by throwing stones at him. They laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul.

As Stephen was dying, he asked God to take his spirit to heaven. He also asked God to forgive those who were killing him. Then he died.

Discussion Time

Why did the Apostles call seven men to help them? Let’s read Acts 6:1–4 How were these seven men called? Let’s read Acts 6:3, 5–6

Why did the Apostles “lay their hands” on the men?

Why did the Apostles “lay their hands” on the men? The Apostles gave them the priesthood authority, which they had received from Jesus Christ, to perform certain duties; all who receive the priesthood are ordained by the laying on of hands.

What qualities did Stephen have that helped him assist the Apostles and serve the people? Let’s read Acts 6:5, 8 How did he bless the lives of the people?

Why did the Jewish leaders bring Stephen before a council? Let’s read Acts 6:9–12 What did the leaders falsely accuse Stephen of? Let’s read Acts 6:13–14 Why did they think Stephen was speaking blasphemy?

What happened to Stephen’s face as he talked to the members of the council? Let’s read Acts 6:15 What did Stephen testify of when he spoke to the council?

Stephen was testifying of God’s blessings to the people of Israel. Stephen testified of the Lord’s covenant with Abraham. He testified of Abraham and Sarah’s son, Isaac, who was born when they were very old.

Stephen testified of Isaac’s son, Jacob, later renamed Israel, and his twelve sons. One of them, Joseph, was sold by his jealous brothers as a slave into Egypt. He testified that God was with Joseph in Egypt.

Stephen testified that Joseph was respected by the pharaoh for the wisdom God had given him. This wisdom saved the Egyptian people from starving. He testified that Joseph forgave his brothers. Their families came to Egypt and lived among the Egyptian people.

The twelve families became known as the twelve tribes of Israel The twelve families became known as the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribes grew and multiplied. Stephen testified of the new pharaoh who ruled many years after Joseph and the old pharaoh had died. The new pharaoh did not know Joseph and did not like how large the twelve tribes were becoming.

The Israelite people became slaves of the Egyptians The Israelite people became slaves of the Egyptians. They were told to kill any male children when they were born. Stephen testified of the Israelite baby, Moses. He testified of how Moses was spared and raised by an Egyptian princess.

Stephen testified of Moses fleeing Egypt after killing an Egyptian he saw beating an Israelite slave. He testified of the Lord speaking to Moses from a burning bush. The Lord had heard the Israelites prayers.

Stephen testified of the miracles Moses performed through the power of the Lord. He testified of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness after they had been freed. They wandered for forty years because they would not obey God.

Stephen testified of the tabernacle Moses built in the wilderness so that the Israelites could be guided by the Lord. He testified of the temple Solomon built to honor the Lord.

Stephen testified that the members of the council did not listen to the Holy Ghost just as their fathers did.

He also said that the people disobeyed God, persecuted and killed the prophets, and rejected and killed the Messiah. Whom did Stephen see when he looked into heaven? Let’s read Acts 7:55

Who was with Stephen as he testified of Heavenly Father and Jesus? Stephen was filled with the Holy Ghost and saw Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God.

Did the people around Stephen see the vision he saw? What did they do? Let’s read Acts 7:57–59 What did Stephen say as they stoned him? Let’s read Acts 7:59–60 Why do you think Stephen was able to forgive the people who killed him?

Who else saw a similar vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Let’s read Joseph Smith— History 1:17

What can we learn about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost from the visions of Stephen and Joseph Smith?

Let’s read and discuss D&C 130:22–23. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have glorified bodies of flesh and bones. Our physical bodies are in the image of Heavenly Father and Jesus. The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit, not having a body of flesh and bones. Enr. Act. 4

The Godhead Heavenly Father Jesus Christ The Holy Ghost The Father of our spirits Our Savior & Redeemer A personage of Spirit Bears witness of Heavenly Father & Jesus The Father of Jesus’ mortal body Has a glorified body of flesh & bones Reveals the truth of all things Has a glorified body of flesh & bones Created the world Can be our constant companion Had a mortal mother We pray to Him Enr. Act. 5

How can we know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ exist? What must we do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost?

How can we know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ exist? What must we do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost? When we obey the commandments, we can receive a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost.

Let’s read John 17:20–21 and discuss how Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are “one” in purpose. Enr. Act. 1

Let’s read John 17:20–21 and discuss how Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are “one” in purpose. Each member of the Godhead has a role in our prayers: We pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and answers come through the Holy Ghost. Enr. Act. 1

Courageous, faithful people other than Stephen have also been martyrs because of their testimony and faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Enr. Act. 2

Joseph Smith was persecuted when he told others about his vision, and Joseph and his brother Hyrum were later martyred. Enr. Act. 2

James was martyred (Acts 12:2), as was Paul. Many of the early disciples and Apostles of the Church were persecuted and some were martyred. James was martyred (Acts 12:2), as was Paul. It is traditionally accepted that Peter, Mark, and Matthew were also martyred (see “Mark,” “Matthew,” “Paul,” and “Peter” in the Bible Dictionary in the LDS edition of the Bible). Enr. Act. 2

What could we learn from the examples of these faithful people? Enr. Act. 2

The Fifth Article of Faith We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. Enr. Act. 3

Church leaders today call people to Church positions, just as Stephen was called to help the early Apostles. When a person receives a call, he or she is set apart by the laying on of hands and given the authority to perform specific responsibilities. Enr. Act. 3

When young men and women serve in the presidencies of priesthood quorums or Young Women classes, they will be called and set apart in the same manner. Enr. Act. 3

I bear testimony of the Godhead I bear testimony of the Godhead. It is important to me to have this knowledge. I love our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

The lesson is from lds. org. The scripture stories are from lds The lesson is from The scripture stories are from and paraphrased from various articles on and from the scriptures. Images and clipart are from, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.