Chapter 5 Updated January 2007 Panko’s Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 6th edition Copyright 2007 Prentice-Hall May only be used by adopters of the book Wireless LANs (WLANs)
5-2 Orientation LANs Are Governed by Layer 1 and 2 Standards –So they are governed by OSI Standards Wired LAN Standards –Chapter 3 (UTP and optical fiber transmission) –Chapter 4 (Ethernet Layer 1 and 2 standards) Chapter 5 –Wireless LAN (WLAN) Standards –Physical layer wireless transmission –Wireless data link layer operation –Management
5-3 Figure 5-1: Local Wireless Technologies, Continued –The dominant WLAN technology today –Standardized by the Working Group
5-4 Figure 5-2: Wireless LAN (WLAN) Access Point Server Internet Router Ethernet Switch Laptop Mobile Client Wireless Access Point Large Wired Ethernet LAN UTP Radio Transmission Wireless access point (WAP) bridges wireless stations to resources on wired LAN—servers and routers for Internet access Communication
5-5 Figure 5-3: Access Router with Wireless Access Point and Wireless NICs PC Card WNIC for a Notebook Computer Internal WNIC For Desktop PC USB WNIC Access Router with Access Point
5-6 Figure 5-1: Local Wireless Technologies, Continued Wireless LANs –Today, mostly speeds of tens of megabits per second with distances of 30 to 100 meters or more Can serve many users in a home or office –Increasingly, 100 Mbps to 600 Mbps with n –Organizations can provide coverage throughout a building or a university campus by installing many access points
5-7 Figure 5-1: Local Wireless Technologies, Continued Other Local Wireless Technologies –Mesh networking: multiple access points can route frames to their destination (Figure 5-4) without using a wired LAN –Being standardized at s
Radio Propagation
5-9 Figure 5-5: Frequency Measurement Frequency –Light waves are measured in wavelengths (Ch. 3) –Radio waves are measured in terms of frequency –Measured in hertz (Hz)—the number of complete cycles per second 1 Second Two cycles in 1 second, so frequency is two Hertz (Hz).
5-10 Figure 5-5: Frequency Measurement, Continued Measuring Frequencies –Frequency measures increases by factors of 1,000 (not 1,024) –Kilohertz (kHz) [Note the lower-case k] –Megahertz (MHz) –Gigahertz (GHz)
5-11 Figure 5-6: Omnidirectional and Dish Antennas Omnidirectional Antenna Spread signals in all directions Rapid signal attenuation No need to point at receiver Good for mobile subscribers Dish Antenna Focuses signals in a narrow range Signals can be sent over long distances Must point at the sender Good for fixed subscribers
5-12 Figure 5-7: Wireless Propagation Problems 2. Attenuation: signal gets weaker with distance 3. Shadow Zone (Dead Spot) 1. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from Other stations, Microwave ovens, etc. Blocking Object
5-13 Figure 5-7: Wireless Propagation Problems Reflected Signal Laptop Direct Signal 4. Multipath Interference Direct and reflected signals may interfere Blocking Object
5-14 Inverse Square Law Attenuation Inverse square law attenuation –To compare relative power at two distances Divide the longer distance by the shorter distance Square the result; this is the relative power ratio –Examples 100 mW (milliwatts) at 10 meters At 20 meters, 100 / (20/10) 2 = 100 mW / 4 = 25 mW At 30 meters, 100 / (30/10) 2 = 100 mW / 9 = 11 mW –Much faster attenuation than UTP or fiber
5-15 Frequently-Depended Propagation Problem Some Problems are Frequency-Dependent –Higher-frequency signals attenuate faster Absorbed more rapidly by water in the air –Higher-frequency signals blocked more by obstacles At lower frequencies, signal refract (bend) around obstacles like an ocean wave hitting a buoy At higher frequencies, signals do not refract; leave a complete shadow behind obstacles
5-16 Figure 5-8: The Frequency Spectrum, Service Bands, and Channels Channel 5, Signal A Channel 1, Signal E Channel 2, No Signal Channel 3, Signal B Channel 4, Signal D 0 Hz 2. Service Band (FM Radio, Cellular Telephony, etc.) 1. Frequency Spectrum (0 Hz to Infinity) 3. Multiple Channels within a Service Band; each Channel carries a different signal 4. Signals in different channels do not interfere with one another
5-17 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Signal Bandwidth –Chapter 3 discussed a wave operating at a single frequency –However, most signals are spread over a range of frequencies –The higher the speed, the greater the spread of frequencies Amplitude Frequency Signal
5-18 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Channel Bandwidth –Higher-speed signals need wider-bandwidth channels –Channel bandwidth is the highest frequency in a channel minus the lowest frequency –An 88.0 MHz to 88.2 MHz channel has a bandwidth of 0.2 MHz (200 kHz) 88.0 MHz88.2 MHz Bandwidth = 0.2 MHz = 200 kHz Amplitude Frequency
5-19 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Shannon Equation –Specifies the connection between channel bandwidth and the channel’s maximum signal transmission speed –C = B [ Log 2 (1+S/N) ] C = Maximum possible transmission speed in the channel (bps) B = Bandwidth (Hz) S/N = Signal-to-Noise Ratio –Measured as a ratio –If given in dB, must convert to ratio
5-20 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Shannon Equation –C = B [ Log2 (1+S/N) ] Note that doubling the bandwidth doubles the maximum possible transmission speed Increasing the bandwidth by X increases the maximum possible speed by X –Wide bandwidth is the key to fast transmission –Increasing S/N helps slightly but usually cannot be done to any significant extent
5-21 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Broadband and Narrowband Channels –Broadband means wide channel bandwidth and therefore high speed –Narrowband means narrow channel bandwidth and therefore low speed –Narrowband is below 200 kbps –Broadband is above 200 kbps
5-22 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) Channel Bandwidth and Spectrum Scarcity –Why not make all channels broadband? –There is only a limited amount of spectrum at desirable frequencies –Making each channel broader than needed would mean having fewer channels or widening the service band –Service band design requires tradeoffs between speed requirements, channel bandwidth, and service band size
5-23 Figure 5-9: Channel Bandwidth and Transmission Speed (Study Figure) The Golden Zone –Most organizational radio technologies operate in the golden zone in the high megahertz to low gigahertz range –At higher frequencies, propagation problems are severe –At lower frequencies, there is not enough total bandwidth Golden Zone Higher Frequency Lower Frequency
Spread Spectrum Transmission
5-25 Figure 5-11: Spread Spectrum Transmission (Study Figure) Unlicensed Bands –WLANs operate in unlicensed service bands You do not need a license to have or move your stations –Two unlicensed bands are widely used: the 2.4 GHz band and the 5 GHz band 5 GHz has worse propagation characteristics 2.4 GHz has fewer available channels
5-26 Figure 5-11: Spread Spectrum Transmission, Continued Spread Spectrum Transmission –You are REQUIRED BY LAW to use spread spectrum transmission in unlicensed bands Spread spectrum transmission uses much larger channels than transmission speed requires Spread spectrum transmission is required to reduce propagation problems at high frequencies Especially multipath interference –Spread spectrum transmission is NOT used for security in WLANs This surprises many people
5-27 Figure 5-11: Spread Spectrum Transmission, Continued There are Several Spread Spectrum Transmission Methods (Figure 5-13) –Older Techniques Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) up to 4 Mbps (The book says 2 Mbps) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) up to 11 Mbps –Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is used at 54 Mbps –MIMO for speeds of 100 Mbps to 600 Mbps Not Used in
5-28 Figure 5-13: Spread Spectrum Transmission Methods Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Signal only uses its normal bandwidth, but it jumps around within a much wider channel If there are propagation problems at specific frequencies, most of the transmission will still get through Limited to low speeds of about 4 Mbps; used by Bluetooth (later) Only used in Old systems And Bluetooth
5-29 Figure 5-13: Spread Spectrum Transmission Methods Wideband but Low-Intensity Signal Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Signal is spread over the entire bandwidth of the wideband channel The power per hertz at any frequency is very low Interference will harm some of the signal, but most of the signal will still get through and will be readable Used in b (11 Mbps), which is discussed later Only used in old networks
5-30 Figure 5-13: Spread Spectrum Transmission Methods Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Subcarrier 1 Subcarrier 3 Subcarrier 2 OFDM divides the broadband channel into subcarriers Sends part of the signal in each subcarrier The subcarrier transmissions are redundant so that if some carriers are lost, the entire signal still gets through Used in a and g at 54 Mbps (later)
5-31 Figure 5-20: Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) Transmission Two or more signals can be sent at the same time in the same channel. The receiver uses multipath time differences to distinguish between them. This is an example of smart radio technology.
WLAN Operation
5-33 Figure 5-14: Typical WLAN Operation Server Ethernet Switch Laptop WAP Large Wired LAN Client PC UTP Radio Transmission Frame802.3 Frame Wireless access points (WAPs) bridge the networks (translate between the wireless frame and the Ethernet frame used within the LAN)
5-34 Figure 5-14: Typical WLAN Operation, Continued Server Ethernet Switch Laptop WAP A Large Wired LAN Client PC WAP B UTP Handoff or Roaming (if mobile computer moves to another access point, it switches service to that access point) Frame Frame
5-35 Figure 5-15: Stations and Access Points Transmit in a Single Channel Collision if 2 Devices send Simultaneously
5-36 Media Access Control Only one station or the access point can transmit at a time To control access (transmission), two methods can be used –CSMA/CA+ACK (mandatory) –RTS/CTS (optional unless b and g stations share an g access point) Box
5-37 Figure 5-16: CSMA/CA+ACK in Wireless LANs CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) CSMA –Sender Always Listens for Traffic Carrier is the signal; sense is to listen –If there is traffic, the sender waits –If there is no traffic … If the time since the last transmission is more than a critical value, the station may send immediately Box
5-38 Figure 5-16: CSMA/CA+ACK in Wireless LANs CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) –If there is no traffic If the time since the last transmission is less than a critical value, the station sets a random timer and waits –If there is no traffic at the end of the waiting time, the station sends –If there is traffic, CSMA starts over again Box
5-39 Figure 5-16: CSMA/CA+ACK in Wireless LANs ACK (Acknowledgment) –Receiver immediately sends back an acknowledgment when it receives a frame Does not wait to send an ACK This avoids interference with other stations, which must wait –If sender does not receive the acknowledgment, it retransmits the frame using CSMA/CA – with CSMA/CA+ACK is a reliable protocol! Box
5-40 Figure 5-17: Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS) Server Switch Laptop Access Point B Large Wired LAN Radio Link Client PC RTS 1. Device that wishes to transmit may send a Request-to-Send message Box
5-41 Figure 5-17: Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS) Server Switch May Send Frames WAP Large Wired LAN Radio Link Client PC 2. Wireless access point broadcasts a Clear-to-Send message. Station that sent the RTS may transmit unimpeded. Other stations hearing the CTS must wait CTS Box Must Wait
5-42 Recap CSMA/CA+ACK is mandatory RTS/CTS is optional –However, it is mandatory if b and g NICs share the same g access point Box
WLAN Standards
5-44 Figure 5-18: Specific Wireless LAN Standards b802.11g if g access point serves an b station 2.4 GHz Unlicensed Band Lower Attenuation Yes a 5 GHz Higher NoYes Crowded Band? Lower PriceHigher LowerMarket AcceptanceVery LowHigh
5-45 Figure 5-18: Specific Wireless LAN Standards b802.11g if g access point serves an b station 11 Mbps54 Mbps Not Specified Rated Speed* 6 Mbps25 Mbps12 MbpsThroughput, 3 m 6 Mbps a 54 Mbps 25 Mbps 12 Mbps20 Mbps11 MbpsThroughput, 30 m Source for throughput data: a, operating at a higher frequency, has more attenuation Than b *Maximum rated speed. There are slower modes if propagation is poor.
5-46 Figure 5-18: Specific Wireless LAN Standards, Continued Transmission Speed and Distance –As a station moves away from an access point, transmission speed falls There are several modes of operation specified in each standard The fastest mode only works with a very strong signal As the user moves away, the signal strength becomes too low That station and the access point switch to a slower mode This slows things down for all users
5-47 Figure 5-18: Specific Wireless LAN Standards b802.11a802.11g if g access point serves an b station 3Up to 2433 Number of Non- Overlapping Channels 2.4 GHz5 GHz2.4 GHz Unlicensed Band 2.4 GHz non-overlapping channels are 1, 6, and 11
5-48 Figure 5-19: Interference Between Nearby Access Points Operating on the Same Channel Access Point Channels Should be Selected to Minimize Mutual Interference
n Under Development –Rated speeds of 100 Mbps to 600 Mbps –Will operate in both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands –May use twice current bandwidth per channels (~20 MHz) to roughly double speed –Will use MIMO –Currently a draft standard
WLAN Security
5-51 Figure 5-21: WLAN Security Threats (Study Figure) Drive-By Hackers –Sit outside the corporate premises and read network traffic –Can send malicious traffic into the network –Easily done with readily available downloadable software War Drivers –Merely discover unprotected access points–become drive-by hackers only if they break in
5-52 Figure 5-21: WLAN Security Threats, Continued Rogue Access Points –Unauthorized access points set up by department or individual –Often have very poor security, making drive-by hacking easier –Often operate at high power, attracting many clients
5-53 Figure 5-21: WLAN Security Threats, Continued Evil Twin Access Points –Create a fake access point outside walls of firm using a PC –Legitimate internal client associates with the evil twin access point, which operates at high power Evil Twin AP Legitimate Client Legitimate AP Duped Association
5-54 Figure 5-21: WLAN Security Threats, Continued Evil Twin Access Points –Evil twin then associates with a legitimate internal access point masquerading as the internal clients –This connects the evil twin to the firm’s internal network Evil Twin AP Legitimate Client Legitimate AP 1. Associates 2. Associates As Legitimate Client
5-55 Figure 5-21: WLAN Security Threats, Continued Evil Twin Access Points –Evil twin can then read all traffic, even if the sender and receive encrypt their messages because the evil twin steals authentication credentials passed between the clients and the legitimate access point –Also can insert traffic –Classic man-in-the-middle attack Evil Twin AP Legitimate Client Legitimate AP
5-56 Figure 5-22: Security Standards (Study Figure) Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) –Initial security provided with in 1997 –Everyone shared the same secret key –Other weaknesses –Readily available programs can crack WEP keys in less than 10 minutes –WEP should never be used in corporations –By 2001, WLAN security was in crisis
5-57 Figure 5-22: Security Standards, Continued Wireless Protected Access (WPA) –The Wi-Fi Alliance normally certifies interoperability of equipment –Created WPA as a stop-gap security standard in 2002 until the IEEE i standard discussed next was finished –WPA lightened i security so that older access points and wireless NICs could be upgraded to WPA
5-58 Figure 5-22: Security Standards, Continued i –Created by the IEEE –Uses powerful AES-CCMP encryption with 128-bit keys for confidentiality and key management –Wi-Fi Alliance calls i “WPA2” –Should be used if equipment supports it. –Vendor support has been slow in coming.
5-59 Modes of Operation Both i and WPA (as a subset of i) operate in two modes –802.1X mode and –Preshared Key (PSK) Mode WPA802.11i (WPA2) Can use 802.1X Mode? Yes Can use PSK Mode? Yes
5-60 Figure 5-22: Security Standards, Continued Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Mode –Only for firms with a single access point –Access point does all authentication and key management –All users must know an initial pre-shared key (PSK) Each, however, is later given a unique key –If the pre-shared key is weak, it is easily cracked Pass phrases are used to generate keys; must be at least 20 characters long –Wi-Fi Alliance calls this “personal mode”
5-61 Figure 5-23: Security in 802.1X (Enterprise Mode) Operation –Clients send authentication credentials to access point –Access point sends these to an authentication server –Central authentication server sends back OK or Reject Central Authentication Server Access Points Client Credentials OK Accept
5-62 Figure 5-23: Security in 802.1X (Enterprise Mode) Central Authentication Server –Provides consistency in authentication –Same decision no matter what access point a client connects to –Attackers cannot search for a misconfigured access point Central Authentication Server Access Points Client Credentials OK Accept
5-63 Figure 5-23: Security in 802.1X (Enterprise Mode) Extensible Authentication Protocols (EAPs) –Messages are standardized by an extensible authentication protocol (EAP) –There are several EAPs. The most popular is PEAP, which Microsoft favors Central Authentication Server Access Points Client Credentials OK Accept
5-64 Figure 5-23: Security in 802.1X (Enterprise Mode) Keys –Central authentication also provides keys to clients –Changes the keys frequently Central Authentication Server Access Points Client Key
5-65 Perspective WEP operates in only one mode: shared key Both WPA and i operate in both 802.1X (enterprise) or pre-shared key (personal) mode i offers stronger security than WPA The Wi-Fi Alliance calls i “WPA2”
WLAN Management
5-67 Figure 5-24: Wireless LAN Management (Study Figure) Access Points Placement in a Building –Must be done carefully for good coverage and to minimize interference between access points –Lay out 30-meter to 50-meter radius circles on blueprints –Adjust for obvious potential problems such as brick walls –In multistory buildings, must consider interference in three dimensions
5-68 Figure 5-24: Wireless LAN Management (Study Figure) Access Points Placement in a Building –Install access points and do site surveys to determine signal quality –Adjust placement and signal strength accordingly –This is quite expensive
5-69 Figure 5-25: Wireless Access Point Management Alternatives Management intelligence can be placed in the access point or the WLAN switch
5-70 Figure 5-24: Wireless LAN Management (Study Figure) Remote Access Point Management –Desired functionality Continuous transmission quality monitoring Immediate notification of failures Remote AP adjustment (power, channel, etc.) Ability to push software updates out to all APs or WLAN switches Take appropriate actions automatically whenever possible
Bluetooth For Personal Area Networks (PANs)
5-72 Figure 5-26: Bluetooth Personal Area Networks (PANs) (Study Figure) For Personal Area Networks (PANs) –Devices around a desk (computer, mouse, keyboard, printer) –Devices on a person’s body and nearby (cellphone, PDA, notebook computer, etc.) –Cable replacement technology
5-73 Figure 5-26: Bluetooth Personal Area Networks (PANs), Continued Disadvantages Compared to –Short distance (10 meters) –Low speed (3 Mbps, with a slower reverse channel) –Insufficient for WLAN in a building
5-74 Figure 5-26: Bluetooth Personal Area Networks (PANs), Continued Advantages Compared to –Low battery power drain so long battery life between recharges –Application profiles Define how devices will work together with little or no human intervention Sending print jobs to printers File synchronization Etc. Somewhat rudimentary Devices typically only automate a few access profiles
5-75 Figure 5-26: Bluetooth Personal Area Networks (PANs), Continued Bluetooth Trends –Bluetooth Alliance is enhancing Bluetooth –The next version of Bluetooth is likely to grow to use ultrawideband transmission This should raise speed to 100 Mbps (or more) Transmission distance will remain limited to 10 meters Good for distributing television within a house
5-76 Figure 5-1: Local Wireless Technologies, Continued Other Local Wireless Technologies –Ultrawideband: Up to 250 Mbps (fast) over a distance of 10 meters (short) –Ideal for video networking in homes –ZigBee for almost-always-off sensor networks at low speeds –Allows battery lives of months or years –Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tags: like UPC product tags but readable from a small distance –RFID reader sends probe signal that powers the RFID tag, which then responds with its information
Topics Covered
5-78 Local Wireless Technologies for Corporate WLANs Bluetooth for PANs Ultrawideband (UWB) RFIDs ZigBee Mesh Networks
5-79 Radio Propagation Frequencies and Channels Antennas Propagation Problems –Inverse square law attenuation –Dead spots / shadow zones –Electromagnetic interference –Multipath interference –Attenuation and shadow zone problems increase with frequency
5-80 Radio Propagation Shannon’s Equation and the Importance of Channel Bandwidth –C = B Log 2 (1+S/N) WLANs use unlicensed Radio Bands Spread Spectrum Transmission to Reduce Propagation Problems –FHSS (up to 4 Mbps) –DSSS (up to 11 Mbps) –OFDM (up to 54 Mbps) –MIMO (100 Mbps to 600 Mbps)
Operation Wireless Access Point Bridge to the Main Wired Ethernet LAN –To reach servers and Internet access routers –Transfers packet between and frames Need for Media Access Control (Box) –CSMA/CA and RTS/CTS –Throughput is aggregate throughput
Operation Bands –2.4 GHz band: Only 3 channels, lower attenuation –5 GHz band: Around 24 channels, higher attenuation –More channels means less interference between nearby access points Standards –802.11b: 11 Mbps, DSSS, 2.4 GHz band –802.11a: 54 Mbps, OFDM, 2.4 GHz band –802.11g: 54 Mbps, OFDM, 5 GHz band –802.11n: 100 Mbps – 600 Mbps, MIMO, Dual-Band
WLAN Security Wardrivers and Drive-By Hackers Core Security –WEP (Unacceptably Weak) –WPA (Lightened form of i) –802.11i (The gold standard today) –802.1X and PSK modes for WPA and i Rogue Access Points and Evil Twin Access Points
5-84 WLAN Management Surprisingly Expensive Access Point Placement –Approximate layout –Site survey for more precise layout and power Remote Access Point Management –Smart access points or WLAN switches and dumb access points
5-85 Bluetooth PANs Cable Replacement Technology Limited Speeds and Distance Application Profiles UWB in the Future?