Gps (Global Positioning System) By-Mkrian Uriostegui 2 nd Block 8/12/14
Some things you might want to know about GPS’s What need does this product address? Can be used as a navigation satellite Can be used as entertainment What was used to make this product? Modern electronics A rechargeable battery Lots of circuits used to control info How was the product originally made? Made with signals from the satellite that orbit earth What improvements have been made to this device? Lots of upgrades that include 1.More improved graphic etc Why were these improvements made ? Because GPS’s are suppose to give precise locations
>>>>>>>>>>>> Who uses this product ? Anyone who needs help with navigation or precise locations basically Or that has a GPS receiver What global impact did this product have? Well it made an impact on the cold war cause they needed it and used it for precise locations to attack What would you change of this product? I would change the rechargeable part so they wouldn’t need to charge the GPS
Lets learn some History of the GPS in….Timeline Form>>> 1960~ the first GPS was invented 1972-The air force conducted developmental flight test of two prototype receivers 1973-Redesigned by DNSS with all existing radio navigation Joint programs Office had created a program for GPS overseas A $1.2 billion contract gets signed by Air Force 1994-The Federal Aviation administration announces that GPS is going to be part of US traffic control System st satellite is scheduled to launch into outer space
References……. "Mio GPS Device." GPS Navigation Manufacturer. Web. 13 Aug