Teaching Nuclear Engineering to Electrical Engineering Students ASEE Conference Honolulu, HI, June 2007 Robert J. Barsanti Jr. Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Overview Introduction & Background Nuclear Engineering First Offering Nuclear Engineering Second Offering Future Plans Lessons Learned Summary
Background Military Teaching college in Charleston, SC 2000 cadets, 2000 evening students Two Engineering Departments, Civil, and EE 125 EE students
Introduction Nuclear Engineering Technical Elective 3 credit hour course Taught twice Spring 2004, Spring offering – Too many topical areas 2006 offering- More focused curriculum
Introduction Course Description Introduction to the theory and application of nuclear energy. Topics include; nuclear fuels; nuclear reactor principals, concepts, examples, and construction, operation, and ecological impact; heat transfer and fluid flow; radiation hazards and shielding; nuclear propulsion; and controlled fusion.
Spring 2004 First Offering Text: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, John, R. Lamarsh, and Anthony Baratta. Prerequisite: Completion of both physics, and chemistry sequences. Goal:Provide technically sound introduction to nuclear engineering
Spring 2004 Course Objectives ELEC 307 Nuclear Engineering Spring 2004 Course objectives 1. Introduction to nuclear engineering concepts including; Introduction to atomic and nuclear physics. Fission and fusion Nuclear fuels Operation & construction of nuclear reactors and power plants. Introduction to reactor kinetics. Introduction to radiation effects and shielding Heat transfer and fluid flow Ecological impact 2. Performance of a student report and presentation to promote; Teamwork skills Written communication skills Oral presentation skill
Spring 2004 Course Schedule ELEC 307 Nuclear Engineering Spring 2004 Course Schedule Hours Scheduled Hours Actual Introduction to nuclear engineering.1.0 Atomic and nuclear physics Radiation and matter Nuclear fuels and Fission Operation & construction of power plants Construction of nuclear reactors Reactor kinetics Radiation effects and shielding4.00 Heat transfer and fluid flow4.00 Ecological impact3.00 Student projects2.0 Examinations3.0 Total
Spring 2006 Course Schedule ELEC 307 Nuclear Engineering Summer 2006 Course Schedule Hours Scheduled Hours Actual Introduction to nuclear engineering.1.0 Atomic and nuclear physics.8.0 Radiation and matter8.0 Nuclear fuels and Fission4.0 Operation & construction of power plants5.0 Construction of nuclear reactors Reactor kinetics Student projects2.5 Examinations3.0 Total43.5
Future Plans Expand project portion of course to include contemporary issues from nuclear engineering news, reviews and journals. Focus on single reactor type (probably pressurized water reactor) to allow more in depth coverage.
Summary Discussed topic selection and course format for a 3 credit hour technical elective in nuclear engineering