Exceptional Family Member Program Command Briefing
Briefing Overview EFMP, its benefits and regulations Mandatory enrollment The functions of ACS EFMP and Medical EFMP The Commander’s responsibility with EFMP
EFMP is: A mandatory enrollment program Comprehensive and coordinated community support Helps identify Family Members with special needs Assists personnel systems in making assignments Ensures services are available to Family Members
Service Members who are required to be screened and if eligible enroll are: Active Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines Full time USAR Service members in the USAR AGR, serving under Title 10 and Title 32 Service Members in the Army Married Couples Program, or branch equivalanet
Who Must Enroll? EFMP enrollment is for anyone with an on-going medical, mental health or educational need.
Benefits of Enrollment Housing accommodations Information and referral resources Respite care Medical and educational advocacy Support groups TRICARE ECHO Relocation assistance Parent Training
Additional Benefits May Include: Reduction of Family separations by assignments to supporting installations Providing access to additional appropriate medical, mental health and educational services
Enrollment Consequences Actual consequences and commander responsibility are found under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Article 107 and Article 92
Enrollment Process Medically screened at MTFs during routine and emergency visits Educational screened when student receives services thorugn an IEP, 504 Plan or IFSP
What Happens Next? DA Form 2792 (Medical Screening) completed DA Form 2792-1 (Educational Screening) completed if necessary Sent to EFMP Medical for enrollment
Compassionate Reassignment DA Form 4187 Personnel Actions DA Form 3739 Application for Compassionate Action
ACS and Medical Components ACS EFMP Manager: information & referral, advocacy, support groups, respite care and relocation assistance Medical EFMP Case Coordinator: initial screening, enrollment, updates, disenrollment, overseas screening
EFMP Myths Only for extremely disabled Negative impact on Service Member’s career First priority for on-post housing Physician enters medical information into computer EFMP enrollment automatically updated Service Member is non-deployable
EFMP Facts For assignment purposes only Confidential Subject to unaccompanied tours world-wide Service Member is responsible for enrollment and updates
Respite Care Respite Care application Family Needs Matrix Respite Care Panel
For questions or additional information, contact the ACS EFMP Manager at x2145.