High Energy Dump LSS5 STI Cost Estimate A.PERILLO MARCONE & F.PASDELOUP 2015/04/16 With contribution of R.FOLCH & D.GRENIER
Outline EN/STI work packages WP1: QD Coil mask WP2: DUMP Core WP3: Displacement of UA9 elements WP4: Displacement of LHC test collimators 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate2
WP1: QD519 Coil mask WP1.1: Design WP1.2: Manufacturing + Tests WP1.3: Installation + Commissioning WP2: Dump core, spare and connections WP2.1: Design + Tests WP2.2: Manufacturing + Tests WP2.3: Installation + Commissioning WP3: Displacement of UA9 elements WP3.1: Disassembly WP3.2: Installation (Mounting + Cabling) + Commissioning WP4: Displacement of LHC test collimators WP3.1: Disassembly WP3.2: Installation (Mounting + Cabling) + Commissioning EN/STI work packages 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate3
Parts include in this work package The whole mask Request We need to have a predesign to evaluate the cost. Questions What is the power deposited on the mask? What precision is needed for the aperture? What are the specifications? Cost estimate If we consider a passive coil mask (without cooling system) and its spare, 150kCHF is reasonable price WP1: QD Coil mask 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate4
Parts include in this work package All parts include in the diameter of the first iron shielding The pipes for connections The actuators for the alignment Note: the external shielding is exclude of EN/STI work packages Request We need to have a predesign to evaluate the cost. WP2: DUMP Core 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate5 Core + First shielding Ø850: EN/STI WP Pipes for connections: EN/STI WP External shielding: NOT EN/STI WP First Shielding Absorbing block Copper core
Question What is the precision needed for the aperture? Cost estimate A current cost estimate of the current TIDVG is on going to give a rough estimate. For 1 dump: To Be Confirmed Yoke: On-going (~ 200kCHF) Core + absorbing blocks: 700kCHF Actuators: 100kCHF TOTAL: ~1MCHF for 1 dump 4.3m long Note: this dump is only 4.3m long, the new dump will be around 6m long. WP2: DUMP core 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate6
Parts include in this work package TECS TECS BSHV.51792,3,4,5 BRCV BRCH XRPH TACW XRP Question What is the distance of moving? S.MONTESANO will give us data soon. Cost estimate The biggest part of the cost should be the cabling of each device. Estimate on-going with S.MONTESANO and J.LENDARO. WP3: Displacement of UA9 elements 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate7
Parts include in this work package LHC test collimators Question Will these devices used after LS2? Cost estimate On going with S.DE MAN WP4: Displacement of LHC test collimators 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate8
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 2015/04/23High Energy Dump LSS5 - Cost Estimate9