WSI - Water and Sanitation Initiative in Cambodia WASH Women platforms
WSI - Water and Sanitation Initiative What is WSI?
Coordination Takeo 20 vill Sambo 20 vill Kratie 31 vill ICD Takeo ICD Sambo Kratie CDP OGB – OAU Coordination AusAID Gov Counterparts Coordination WASH sector
Do women have a specific role in society? How do women contribute to economic growth at different levels? What are the public profiles of women? Why only women typically run households? Role of Women in Society
female % male % Literacy Rate, Ages 15-24, Economically Active, Ages 15+, (%) 7481 Women as % of Parliament, Secondary School Enrol. 2000/2004 (as % of school-age enrol.) 2031
Just 1 WASH indicator HH without toiletHH with toilet Distribution of HH by toilet facility availability %
Women are normally users, managers and providers of water and sanitation services and hygiene improvements in their families and communities. A WASH project is successful only when it is designed from a woman’s perspective, which leads to broader benefits for women. Gender Equals Sustainability
WASH and Mobility no time = no mobility limited participation in civil society and in decision making process women overcharged with tasks in WASH input related to women needs is not met
WSI Baseline survey In Oxfam target areas, women are normally in charge of collecting water: who is in charge of collecting water men wo men %3862
WSI Baseline survey In Oxfam working areas, women are in charge of cleaning the ceramic water filters and also among the children girls are more often involved than boys when the time to wash the filters comes.
Local Gov’t Role in WASH National Min. of Rural Development Gov’t guidelines and policies Province Prov. Departments District District Integration Workshop Commune Commune Councils C. Development Plan C. Investment Program Village WWPs influence
WWPs prioritise woman's perspectives WWPs approach Commune Councils to promote WASH improvement WWPs and Oxfam advocate for woman's WASH needs at the national level WWPs and advocacy
Increase gender equity Empower in decision making Shoulder responsibilities Address women's needs Promote women's leadership Promote women's voices WWPs Objectives