Introduction To Theatre Theatre Hierarchy Positions Definitions Types of Stages Stage Directions
Pre Production Hierarchy Producer Artistic Director Publicist House Manager Box Office Manager Asst. Director Tech. Director Stage Manager Sound Designer Costume Designer Lighting Designer Scenic Designer Tech. Director Costume Mistress Master Electrician Sound Engineer Master Carpenter Props Master Make-Up Crew Costume Crew Light Crew Sound Crew Set Crew Props Crew
Production Hierarchy Stage Manager Actors Sound Engineer Light Board Operator Wardrobe Mistress Props Master Dressers Audio Engineer 2 (A2) Shift/Run Crew
Theatre Hierarchy Definitions Artistic Director – Producer – Director – responsible for all aspects of production – all final say goes to the direction Stage Manager – responsible for the disseminating of all rehearsal notes to the proper people and during the run of production calls cues and keeps production running smoothly Asst. Director – Assists director with all tasks during rehearsal period. Takes over in director’s absence Technical Director – responsible for the successful and timely completion of all technical aspects. Publicists– responsible for all materials printed and distributed to advertise the upcoming production. Also responsible for the appearance of the house and selling tickets.
Set Designer– responsible for the design of all scenic elements (including set and decorative props) Master Carpenter – responsible for the construction of the set Lighting Designer – responsible for the design of electrical and lighting elements for a show Master Electrician – responsible for the implementation of the design. This includes hanging and focusing of all lights as well as the programming of the light board Sound Designer/Crew head – responsible for designing all sound effects and underscoring all sounds needed in production. Sound Engineer – responsible for the amplification of all designed sound effects and underscoring as well as voices (if necessary). Costume Designer- responsible for the design of all costumes used in the production. Costume Mistress – responsible for the construction or procurement of necessary pieces, including accessories. Wardrobe Mistress – responsible for the care of all costumes during the show. Dresser – responsible for making sure actors are appropriately dressed in correct costumes during the show. Props Master– responsible for the construction, or procurement of all necessary props used in the show and responsible for all props during the run of the show
Types of Stages and Stage Directions
Arena Stage Audience sits on all sides
Thrust Stage Audience sits on on three sides
Proscenium Stage Audience sits one side
Arena Stage Stage Directions – Clock Method C
Arena Stage Stage Directions – Compass Method N E S W NW NE SESW C
Thrust Stage Stage Directions C USC SRSL USR USL DSLDSC DSR
Proscenium Stage Stage Directions C USC SRSL USR USL DSLDSC DSR