2 Water is always on the move. Did you know that you may drink the same water that a dinosaur drank millions of years ago? Or that a whale may have once swam in same water… …that rained in your yard last month? In this presentation, you will learn that water is on a non-stop journey through the “water cycle.” All along the way, water is very, VERY busy… Let’s talk water…..
…and it’s been on the move ever since. Water is constantly moving around the planet, in the clouds, in the ocean currents, across the land, under the ground, and through every living thing on the planet… We call this movement the “water cycle.” 4
Source: SWFWMD
When that water moves……….it moves heat! (…and LOTS of it!!) As water travels from the tropics toward the poles, the oceans move massive amounts of heat around the planet.
The Gulf Stream This movement of heat plays a HUGE role In shaping climate and weather patterns… Consider this: Nome, Alaska and Brønnøysund, Norway are coastal cities located at about 65°N latitude. The Gulf Stream current causes average January temperatures to be 15° warmer in Brønnøysund than in Nome. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but 15° can make all the difference between rain vs. snow, water vs. ice, and growing season length. Average # frost free days: Nome: 81 days Average # frost free days: Nome: 81 days Nome Brønnøysund Brønnøysund: 160 – 180 days
When water moves….. ….water can carve landscapes! …But HOW? Hint: (Grain by grain!) 8
9 Photo credit: USGS
When water moves….water carves landscapes! Consider this: One gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. 1” of rain falling over one acre = 27,154 gallons of water ! That water weighs about 113 tons !!! (Just imagine what that water can do when it gets moving!!!) 10 Photo credit: USGS
When water moves….. …..water grows plants, trees, forests, & crops. 11
When water moves….. …..water grows trees, forests, plants & crops…. …which then feed animals, and people too! YUM! 12
So you see, We ALL need water : 13
15 For more information, learning activities, and contest information, please visit: …We all need to do our part. Here ’ s one way you can help ! SHARE what you ’ ve learned ! Draw a poster showing your favorite water fact or tip … or continue on to the next section to learn more !
(Water cycle alternate version 1)
(Water cycle alternate version 2)