The Medical University of South Carolina Raymond S. Greenberg August 5, 2009 Presentation to SC Commission on Higher Education Medical University of South Carolina Progress Report
The Medical University of South Carolina Accomplishments
The Medical University of South Carolina Education 2
The Medical University of South Carolina Education PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences approved Master of Research Administration implemented Doctor of Nursing Practice approved Nearing completion of Dental Medicine Clinical Education Building College of Medicine won national diversity award Reorganized departments to achieve efficiencies and enhance performance 3
The Medical University of South Carolina Research 4 Drug Discovery and Bioengineering Buildings
The Medical University of South Carolina Recent Research Successes n n >$200 million in annual total research funding n n NCI designation for Hollings Cancer Center n n CTSA Award n n NSF Award for statewide tissue engineering 5
The Medical University of South Carolina Departmental Rankings in NIH Funding Rank Neuroscience 3 Biostatistics 5 Otolaryngology 11 Psychiatry 15 Biochemistry 16 Anesthesiology 19 6
The Medical University of South Carolina National Recognition: Research (June 2009) MUSC researcher, Dr. Mark George, picked by U.S. News & World Report as one of 14 leading biomedical innovators for work on brain imaging and stimulation 7
The Medical University of South Carolina Patient Care 8 Ashley River Tower
The Medical University of South Carolina National Recognition: Patient Care (August 2009) Rank Rheumatology16 Children’s Heart19 Digestive Diseases20 Nephrology35 ENT35 Gyn43 Pulmonary49 9 U.S. News & World Report
The Medical University of South Carolina National Recognition: Patient Care (2009) MUSC was one of only 27 hospitals in the country (and the only one in SC) to receive a Gold Triple Performance Achievement Award from the American Heart Association for patient care in stroke, coronary artery disease, and heart failure 10
The Medical University of South Carolina National Recognition: Patient Care (June 2009) Premier Healthcare Alliance selected MUSC as one of the top 23 hospitals in the country (and the only one in SC) for outstanding patient care and operational efficiency 11
The Medical University of South Carolina National Recognition: Patient Care (June 2009) Modern Healthcare conducted a national survey of healthcare IT case studies, and selected the MUSC submission for first place 12
The Medical University of South Carolina University-wide n n Raised $71 million in private gifts and pledges n n Capital Campaign is within 3% of goal with two years remaining n n Created Charleston Higher Education Purchasing Alliance n n Activated SC LightRail 13
The Medical University of South Carolina Priorities Capital Bond Bill There has not been a capital bond bill since 2001, and state debt has been greatly reduced in the interim. The burden of financing construction has been shifted to the institutions, while appropriations have been reduced dramatically. 14
The Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine 15
The Medical University of South Carolina Funding Project Name Request College of Dental Medicine Building $30M (ranked highest statewide by CHE) College of Pharmacy Building $35M (ranked sixth highest statewide by CHE) Major Capital Funding Requests Commission on Higher Education Capital Budget Requests for FY
The Medical University of South Carolina SC LightRail SC LightRail is an ultra high speed fiber optic network connecting healthcare, higher education, and research entities across the state of SC and to Lambda $4.5 million appropriated in FY 2008 and 2009 to research universities Each research university is requesting $1.5 million to support maintaining the network (CHE has endorsed concept)—essential for expansion to other campuses Other Priorities 17
The Medical University of South Carolina Regulatory Relief With loss of state appropriations, greater efficiency is required Bill drafted last year to enhance human resources, procurement, capital projects Bill introduced mid-session and did not get full review Legislation needs to be reintroduced in new session Other Priorities (continued) 18
The Medical University of South Carolina Other Priorities (continued) Endowed chairs—no new funding in two years EPSCoR program—tissue engineering grant is example of benefit Electronic library—one of the most efficient programs in state Nursing Workforce Initiatives (One Voice One Plan) Cigarette Tax 19