Plant Biotechnology By: Steven Krunich
Countries w/ Biotech Crops
Plant biotech research is taking place around the world.
Acreage of Genetically Modified Crops.
Plant Biotech Uses Algae as Biofuel In addition to plants being used for food, plant products are also being produced for • Fuel • Fiber • Pharmaceuticals
Good Geno + Good Pheno = Good Genetics Gene Identification Genotype Phenotype Growth Habit Insect Resistance Mold Resistance Fungal Resistance Protein Oil/Resins Medicinal Quality How tall How wide Flower color Smells Density Good Geno + Good Pheno = Good Genetics
A Florida Biochemist Designs a Citrus Tree With THC. “It’s quite simple, really,” Nanofsky explains, “I wanted to combine Citrus synthesis with Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol.” In layman’s terms, the respected college professor proposed to grow oranges that would contain THC, the active ingredient in marijuana in 1984. In 2008 his project was completed. Oakdale, CA: Scientists at Montsaint Genie Tech Inc. announced June 1, 2009 that they successfully transferred the gene segment that produces the psychotropic chemical THC in cannabis plants to many other common garden plants, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and more.
Cloning of Plants You can create a library of genetics/clones, just from one single leaf. This can be nice in budding crops, where as only female plants are needed. Also for seedless crops.
Precise and Predictable Plant Breeding
Pest Resistance: Bt Corn
Bt Corn DNA Splicing (continued) When spliced into the genome of corn, it is hoped that these genes will produce the proteins which will convey insect resistance to this particular strain of corn.
More Vitamin A “Please” “Golden” rice has been developed with increased vitamin A. A production through the increased production of carotenoids.` Other strains of rice have been modified to increase iron accumulation by three times over normal rice. Iron deficiency affects more than 500 million children, many of whom die from it.
Genetically Engineering Plants Result from transferring the gene for luciferase enzyme from fireflies into tobacco plant. In the presence of the enzymes substrates (luciferin, ATP, & oxygen), the plant glows with the light of a firefly.
Corn Yields Continue to Advance, Tremendous Gains Made Over Last 10 Years.
Plant Biotechnology is the FUTURE! Plant biotech products are expected to improve incomes around the world. Plant Biotechnology is the FUTURE!
Recent study confirms benefits of biotech crops worldwide. 8.5 million farmers in 21 countries plant biotech crops 90% of biotech crop farmers from developing countries One billion+ acres harvested The Future Looks Promising and Profitable to the countries with Biotech Crops.