NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. Shaping the Transportation System of the 21 st Century Western Washington Clean Cities 2015 Annual Awards & Recognition Dinner Alex Schroeder National Renewable Energy Laboratory April 29, 2015
2 About 2,400 employees with world- class facilities Owned by the Department of Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy NREL at a Glance National Renewable Energy Laboratory Only U.S. National Laboratory dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency research Established in 1979 as Solar Energy Research Institute Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL 17613
3 Opportunities and Challenges - 21 st Century Transportation Next-generation vehicle technologies and mobility solutions can reduce total energy consumption provide more choices to consumers, and accelerate economic development Transportation fundamentals are changing and current paradigms are being challenged Solutions will be regional and states are positioned to lead
4 Average Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled Average Per Capita Annual Energy Expenditures Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration and U.S. DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center People are Driving Less, but Spending More to Do So Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System Source: U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Data Center
5 U.S. Congressional Budget Office Federal CAFE StandardsHighway Funding Projections Transportation and Energy Policies Don’t Always Get Along U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Data Center Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System
6 Energy Portfolio for the U.S. Electricity and Transportation Sectors (2011) Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration Fuel Diversity is Needed. Is it Coming? Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
7 Yes. Prospective Buyer Willingness to Purchase a Non-Gas Vehicle in the Next 3 Years Light-Duty Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Models Available to Consumers National Association of Convenience Stores: What do Consumers Think about Fuels Retailers and the Future? 2013 U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Data Center Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System
8 If You Build It, They Might Come Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System
9 Market Trends are Increasingly Regional Trends of the 21 st Century Transportation System
10 Connected and Automated Vehicles – Energy Implications Safety and Convenience Benefits Appealing consumer amenities commercially available now Collision aversion Park assist Limited drive-cycle smoothing GPS route mapping Dynamic ridesharing Image Courtesy of GM TodayNear-Term Long-Term System-Wide Benefits Dramatic innovations Deployment challenges Fully automated hands-free driving Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication In-motion wireless power transfer Variety of business models to support mobility Fuel Economy Benefits Additional amenities + savings Low barriers to deployment Efficient driving route selection Improved drive-cycle smoothing Traffic signal timing coordination Vehicle“platooning” Parking space location Stationary wireless power transfer Automated vehicle“valet” parking and retrieval
11 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Innovation for Our Energy Future Thank You Alex Schroeder Learn more at