Auction / Banquet Computer Software
Specialized Software Allows You To: Improve organization Streamline functions such as : Donor letters, Thank you letters Invitations, Brochures and Auction forms, such as bid sheet. Checkout is simplified
Also… Simplifies the learning curve for the next years event. Helps you track successful and unsuccessful parts of your auction Helps to keep useful structure - get away from “re inventing the wheel” each year May cut down on volunteers needed
Three Types Of Computer Based Auction Programs Home grown approach Stand alone specialized Web based
Home Grown Approach Excel Spread Sheets, Word Documents, Publisher Presentations Requires expertise Often spread out over a number of programs Not easy to pass on
Stand Alone Specialized Software You purchase it and you own it Often Higher expense going in Future costs may include upgrades or multi user versions Data bases stay with the owner Good continuity and succession
Stand Alone Continued No yearly fees No online Registration, on line donations or on line pre bidding
Web Based Software You pay a yearly or event fee to use the program Access to program is by password on a company web site Information is stored on the web site
Web based Continued On Line Benefits - On Line auctions or pre bidding - On Line Registration and ticketing - On Line Donations - Ease of Networking - Integrates with credit card swiping (all of above may be add on modules)
What Will It Cost? Web Based Ready Set Auction ( Base Price $ per event - Deluxe packages per event - On line ticketing, bidding and credit card use based on a % of revenue
What Will it Cost? Stand Alone Software Auction! ( Single user $375 Multi user $ 575 Net Work user $ 750
What you use will depend on the size of your event, how much you want to spend and the computer literacy of the folks putting on the event.