By: Jena Snowden
What the Internet can do for teachers… Shared experiences (teacher blogs) Shared resources (file sharing and social bookmarking) Social Networking to enhance student learning
Educational Blog Awareness If you are a subscriber to a blog… know that what works for one student may not work for another. activities may not be researched based. (Aftab, P., 2004)
Educational Blog Awareness If you have your own blog… do not post pictures of students. do not post student names. do not give specifics about your location. (Aftab, P., 2004)
Shared Resources Awareness Through File Sharing May not be research based assessments. May not meet state standards. Possible typos and misprints. Through Social Bookmarking Not all sites are safe for students. Sample sites before allowing students to freely use them. (Aftab, P., 2004)
Using Social Networking in your Classroom Online Journals (student blogs) Group Projects through Wikis Homework Help from other students through Twitter. The Possibilities… to just name a few (Downes, S., 2004)
Using Social Networking in your Classroom Teach students cyber etiquette. Raise classroom awareness of Cyber Bullying. Set and enforce strict guidelines for students to follow. Keep classroom accounts private. Monitor student activities. What you need to know… (Responding to cyber bullying, 2011)
To Learn More If you would like more information on any of the Web 2.0 tools that were discussed in this presentation, visit the following links. All videos were created and published by Blogs in Plain English Social Bookmarking in Plain English Google Docs in Plain English Wikis in Plain English Twitter in Plain English (Videos on technology in plain English, 2011)
Resources Aftab, P. (2004). Internet safety: Information for educators. Retrieved from Downes, S. (2004). Educational blogging. Educause Review. 39(5) Retrieved from me.dowebct. Responding to cyberbullying. (2011). Retrieved from Videos on technology in plain English. (2011). Retrieved from