Powerpoint By: Emmalee VanZyl “Twilight” By: Daryl Cagle Published at: Cagle.com The intended audience for this cartoon is both boys and girls, teenage and lower class
The Cartoon Teenage guys don’t want anything to do with the book Twilight and teenage girls can’t be quiet about the book
Objects And Symbolism ObjectWhat the object symbolizes Eyes- the girls are crazy Books- describing Twilight’s guys and what girls want Guy- Normal guy that doesn’t live up to the books description and the teenage boys opinion on Twilight
Techniques Techniques used in cartoons and evidence to figure it out. Caption- the evidence is the dialogue that each character is saying. Stereotype- guy is acting like all girls love Twilight and all guys hate it. Distortion- the eyes and face on the people Satire- girls what they want in a guy
The Opinion Of The Cartoonist Thinks all teenage girls are the same and love twilight to death and they want the perfect guy to be the guy in the book, but all teenage guys hate it and don’t want anything to do about it at all.
Groups That Would Agree And Disagree And Why Would Agree And Why Would Disagree and Why Teenage Girls (some), because a lot of girls do this. Teenage Girls (some), because not all teenage girls like Twilight. There are plenty that hate it as well.