* Year Round Events * Convention deadline – Convention Deadline * Centurion of Scripture, GIFTS, GUARD, Good Samaritan, Know the Books, Parade of Leaders/Read the Word, Second Language, Teach to Teach, Speech, & Song Leading * Pre-Convention Events * Convention – Convention Deadline * Art Says It – Bulletin Board, Mass Media, Pearls Test, Song Composition, * Convention Events * Art Says It, Banner, Speech, Song Leading, Songs of Praise, Oral Bible Reading, Bible Bowl, Debate, Puppet Theater, & Scrapbook
* Who? Open to all students and adults * What? To encourage memorization of Scripture * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (recite 100 verses in any number of settings) Silver (recite 100 verses in two settings of fifty verses) Gold (recite 100 verses in one sitting) Deca (memorizing 1,000 verses within 10 years)
* Who? Girls in grades 7 th -12 th * What? Foster fellowship and spiritual growth among Christian teen girls * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? GIFTS I (4 chapters completed first year); GIFTS II (4 more chapters completed second year); GIFTS III (the last 5 chapters covered the third year)
* Who? Guys in grades 7 th -12 th * What? Foster fellowship and spiritual growth among Christian teen guys * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? GUARD I (4 chapters completed first year); GUARD II (4 more chapters completed second year); GUARD III (the last 5 chapters covered the third year)
* Who? Open to all students and adults * What? To reach out to others by going the extra mile * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (500 units); Silver (1000 units); Gold (1500 units); Platinum (2000 units)
* Who? Open to all students and adults * What? To teach the books of the Bible and their themes * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (reciting the N.T. books); Silver (reciting the O.T. books); Gold (reciting the O.T. and N.T. books); Level 3 Gold (reciting O.T. and N.T. books and their themes)
* Who? Open to all students and adults * What? To encourage Bible reading * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? One Medal (read the N.T.); Two Medals (read the O.T. and N.T.)
* Who? Open to Kindergarten through adults * What? To promote the ability to communicate basic Bible teaching in a second language * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (Preparation Level); Silver (Advanced Preparation Level); Gold (Application Level) * Languages? Spanish, Swahili, and Sign Language
* Who? Grades 7-12 – Adults * What? To train teachers and help to be better prepared to teach God’s word * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Level 1 (Student Teacher); Level 2 (Apprentice Teacher); Level 3 (Master Teacher)
* Who? Guys Grades 3-12 * What? To prepare young men to be accomplished song leaders * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (12 Songs); Silver (18 Songs); Gold (24 Songs)
* Who? Girls Grades 3-12 * What? To prepare young men to be accomplished song leaders * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (10 Songs); Silver (15 Songs); Gold (20 Songs)
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To promote year-round, local public speaking * When? Year-Round Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Bronze (12 Speeches); Silver (18 Speeches); Gold (24 Speeches)
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To offer participants an opportunity to use their serving spirit, creativity talents, and skills, to create bulletin boards to benefit their local congregation * When? Pre-Convention Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Take picture of either an informative/decorative or teaching bulletin board. First, second, and third place awards will be given at convention
* Who? Grades K-12 * What? To enable participants to enhance knowledge of textual content * When? Pre-Convention Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Take 100 question test during the week of February , 2014 at home congregation. Top ten scores per grade will be announced at convention
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To train Christians to use the media effectively * When? Pre-Convention Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Students participate in any or all the following six categories: Article/Editorial, Audio Presentation, Storyline, Video Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation. First, Second, and Third place will be awarded per grade and category at convention
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To provide students a deeper study into the Bible Bowl book * When? Pre-Convention Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Test taken at home congregation the week of February 12 – 24, 2014
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To encourage those talented in song writing to develop and use their talents for God * When? Pre-Convention Event * Where? Home congregation * How? Entries turned in by the January 21, 2014 convention deadline. First, Second, and Third place will be awarded at convention
* Who? Grades 3-12 * What? To offer participants an opportunity to use their talents, skills, and artistic abilities via art media * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? May submit one entry per category: Drawing/Sketching, Painting, Original Photography, Photography, Sculpture (9 th - 12 th only), Poster (3 rd -6 th only). First, Second, and Third place awarded at convention
* Who? Grades K-2 * What? To offer participants an opportunity to use their talents, skills, and artistic abilities via art media * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? May submit one entry per category: Greeting Card, Collage, Sculpture, Drawing/Sketching, Painting, Photography, Posters. Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation
* Who? All Ages * What? To encourage team organization and creativity among participants in the creation of banners to be displayed at group functions, youth rallies, church, or community * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? May submit one banner for the congregation. First, Second, and Third place awarded at convention
* Who? Grades K-12 * What? To enable participants to enhance knowledge of textual content * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? Teams of four take the oral Bible Bowl test at the convention. Finalist awards for top seven teams per age group. First, Second, and Third place teams awarded at convention.
* Who? Grades K-6 * What? To emphasize the fundamental importance of Bible reading and to strengthen the foundation for public speaking * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? Rating sheets and Certificates of participation will be given to each participant (K-2 will not be rated)
* Who? Grades 7-12 * What? To promote development of a deeper understanding of both sides of a debate issue. To promote research and understanding of questions that arise regarding the debate issue. To develop critical thinking skills. * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? 2 boys or 2 girls debate two others on the previously announced topic. Two rounds, one affirmative and one negative. First, Second, and Third place teams and individuals awarded at convention
* Who? Grades K-12 * What? To train students to teach children biblical principles using puppets * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? 12 minute puppet presentations. First, Second, and Third place teams awarded at convention
* Who? Grades K-12 * What? To serve as a record of the activities and growth of students and groups. To provided a tool for recording the special achievements in the lives of the individual students and to document events and activities of the local church * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? Individual or Group scrapbooks. First, Second, and Third place awarded in all divisions at convention
* Who? Guys Grades K-12 * What? To train young men to fulfill the role of song leaders in the church * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? K-2 are not judged and receive a Certificate of participation. First, Second, and Third place in each division will be awarded at convention
* Who? Girls Grades K-12 * What? To encourage girls to prepare themselves to lead women and children in song * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? K-2 are not judged and receive a Certificate of participation. First, Second, and Third place in each division will be awarded at convention
* Who? Grades K-12 * What? To provide a challenge to students to excel in public speaking and encourage high standards in speech content, organization, and delivery * When? Convention Event * Where? Convention * How? K-2 are not judged and receive a Certificate of participation. First, Second, and Third place in each division will be awarded at convention
* April 16-18, 2014 Dallas Convention
* Recommended to stay at the Resort * $150/night (includes taxes and resort fees) * $7/day parking fee ($10/day with in/out privileges for those not staying) * Reserve by January 21; changes can be made up till March 17
* $35 student participant - $20 Keller support = $15 Registration fee * $0 Registration for preschoolers * $35 adult participant/judge - $35 Keller support = $0 Registration fee * $15 adult observers (reserves seat for award ceremonies) * $10 t-shirts - $10 Keller support = $0 student participant t-shirt (Adults are on their own) * Registration deadline is January 21, 2014
* Good Samaritan * Know the Books * Banner
* Centurion of Scripture * Good Samaritan * Know the Books * Parade of Winners/Read the Word * Second Language * Art Says It (Display Only) * Banner * Bible Bowl * Oral Bible Reading * Puppet Theater * Song Leading (Non-competitive) * Songs of Praise (Non-competitive) * Speech (Non-competitive)
* Booths * Sign Up Sheets * Turn Forms In