7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth1 FTPC Review - Software Janet Seyboth for the FTPC group DAQ Online Calibration Databases Offline Documentation FTPC computers at BNL
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth2 DAQ (Tonko Ljubicic) Map FTPC electronics to DAQ Gain table for DAQ – remove noisy pads at the DAQ level – still needs to be tested with Tonko
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth3 Online Gas system control –Windows/LabView program, no expert but runs since 2001 without problems Drift Velocity Monitor (DVM) data sample collector –Windows/LabView program, no expert but runs since 2001 without problems FTPC Detector Operation Control Slow Control (Bill Waggoner) FTPC Slow Control Archive Browser Pad Monitor Online Tools – evp Reader – FTPC display program Online QA histograms (“Panitkin plots”) (Sergei Panitkin)
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth4 Calibration Drift velocity maps StFtpcDriftMapMaker –ExB effect, radius-dependent drift velocity Gas composition –Laser analysis StFtpcLaserMaker –DVM analysis StFtpcDVMMaker T 0 adjustment StFtpcClusterMaker –Radial step QA histogram Inner cathode offset correction TPC-FTPC alignment –Difference between FTPC and TPC vertex Gain tables NoiseFinder –Flag dead and noisy pads
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth5 Databases (Michael DePhillips) Slow Control → MySQL online data base → MySQL offline data base –Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcGasOut, ftpcGasSystem(?) MYSQL offline data base –Calibrations_ftpc –Geometry_ftpc Data base idl files StDb/idl Code parameters StarDb/ftpc
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth6 Offline (Jerome Lauret) GEANT detector geometry description (Maxim Potekhin) pams/geometry/ftpcgeo FTPC Daq Readers StDAQMaker, StDaqLib Simulation –Fast simulator StFtpcClusterMaker –Slow simulator StFtpcSlowSimMaker Reconstruction –Cluster Maker StFtpcClusterMaker –Track Maker StFtpcTrackMaker – QA histograms St_QA_Maker (Gene Van Buren) –StFtpcUtil
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth7 Embedding (Eric Hjort) –StFtpcMixerMaker Analysis –StFtpcMcAnalysisMaker –StFtpcAnalysisMaker ITTF –StFtpc Makers in ITTF chain –StiFTPC (Maria Mora-Corral + Mike Miller)
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth8 Documentation FTPC Web pages at BNL – – FTPC Web pages at MPI –
7/19/2004FTPC Review - J. Seyboth9 FTPC Computers at BNL (Wayne Betts) bond.starp (Gas Room) –Windows/LabView –Gas system + DVM cassini.starp (Control Room) –Linux RedHat 7.2 –Detector operations virgo.starp (Control Room) –Linux RedHat 8.0 –Online monitoring MPI and Purdue PCs in 902b –fonda.star, streisand.star, sarandon.star, andromeda.star Linux RedHat 7.2 –Purdue PCs