Teen Pregnancy Who is to Blame? BY: Samantha Ybanez English 1302 April 20, 2009
What happened to me? I understand that teen pregnancy has increased throughout time but do we blame it all on the parents? I honestly don’t think so because it is the child who made the decision to have sexual intercourse. My story...
How to prevent teen pregnancy Different Programs: National Campaign founded in its goal is to reduce teen pregnancy by 1/3 Adolescent Family Life Demonstration and Research program founded in Research grants to promote programs for awareness of abstinence Keep communication open between the parent and child so talking about sex will be easier and not awkward Be approachable not only parents but teachers, mentors,and friends
Planned Parenthood in Texas tch?v=PTL8sCHYFvA&eurl=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.planne dparenthood.org%2Fresourc es%2Fspeaking-of- sex.htm&feature=player_em beddedhttp:// tch?v=PTL8sCHYFvA&eurl=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.planne dparenthood.org%2Fresourc es%2Fspeaking-of- sex.htm&feature=player_em bedded This clip is something you can show to a group of children that are interested in learning more about how to prevent pregnancy and in most cases will decrease the rate. Birth control Sex education classes Check for STD’s Morning after pill Women’s health service Men’s health services Pregnancy testing od.org/health- center/centerDetails.asp?f=3 324http:// od.org/health- center/centerDetails.asp?f=3 324
Majority of the Causes Lack of education in school about safe sex A. studies have found that sex education programs decrease sexual activity -Maintains a focus on reducing specific sexual risk taking behaviors -Accurate information -builds communication Children are not taught different methods of birth control They don’t know how to deal with peer pressure The girls are not the only one’s to blame, guys hold the same amount of responsibility as the girls
Facts about teen pregnancy in the U.S. Every 10 mins, a teen in Texas gets pregnant. Every 10 hours, a 14 year old gets pregnant. Every 3 hours, a 15 year old gets pregnant. Every 48 mins, a teen has an abortion. 7 out of10 teen mothers complete high school if enrolled in school, they are more likely to graduate with their class In 2002, teen pregnancy has actually dropped: -African Americans= Decrease in 40% of population -Whites= Decrease in 34% of population -Hispanics= Decrease in 19% of population
Conclusion It is not all the parents fault. Parents can do so much but then what…………? They drill the children with all the information they want into their brain but it is up to the child to follow the rules. May 6,2009- National Day to Prevent Pregnancy
Works Cited mlhttp:// ml pregnancy.htmlhttp:// pregnancy.html _1159.asphttp:// _1159.asp