Assignments of DARA TORRES
My name is Dara Torres and I am a 22 year old native to Arizona. I am taking classes online this semester because I just had my second child, Anthony. My older son's name is David and he is two years old. I am taking this course because it is a pre-requisite for the Nursing Program. I am pretty much just a stay at home mom. I do not have a job at this time. My dream is to one day be a Nurse and work in labor/delivery with all the moms and new babies. I just want to say that I am very excited to gain some new knowledge and insight within this class.
CONTINUED Everybody has their share of trials and tribulations throughout their teenage years. As far as my teenage years go; I had a whole mess of problems. The truth of the matter is that I grew up too fast starting when I was 13, my first teenage year. I started smoking pot and having unprotected sex. Lucky for me I wasn’t extremely young when I first got pregnant. By the time I was 15 I was using meth and completely addicted. My poor dad was so worried about me; looking back now I feel very bad for everything I put him through.
CONTINUED I became pregnant at the age of 18 and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t live with my parents anymore; I pretty much just drifted from one friend’s house to the next. I finally contacted my dad and broke the news, which was hard for him to take considering I am the only child and a female non-the-less. I went to a rehab for pregnant women called center for hope. I remained at this inpatient facility for 14 months. It was the best thing I ever could have done for myself. At the rehab they basically taught you how to take care of
CONTINUED yourself and your new baby. They helped you become independent by obtaining a job, a place to live, and stability. My dad could finally rest at night knowing that I was now on the right path. It was rough for me as a teenager! I watched friends the same age as me die, I was a slave to the worst drug there is, and I had no direction in life. Now I live a stable life with structure and goals. As far as being a teen parent goes I was one of them and understand how it feels.
LET’S PARTY! Overall if teens, especially in today's society are going to party they need to know he consequences. If teens plan on drinking then most likely there will be some sexual activity going on. If thats the case then these kids need to know their options like the use of birth control or condoms. If teens are careless then most likely there will be teen parents or should I say teen parent. Alot of times when there is teen pregnancy it results with there being only one parent involved. Usually the mother takes on the responsibility and loses the youth of her teenage life. It is a very hard change to make when sacrifices have to be made for the children. I for one know because I got pregnant at age 18 as a result of partying.... it was a very tough start.
ANALYSIS This cartoon says a lot, especially since it has a caption with it. The cartoonist is trying to say that kids today are becoming parents earlier and earlier. It says that some kids today may not even know what sex is or where babies come from. They see so much these days that maybe they are just imitating an act they saw there parent's doing or on T.V. It affected me the most knowing that kids today are becoming parents earlier and earlier. Sex is becoming something that people, especially young kids do just because. There is no purpose or meaning behind it anymore. Some of the girls out there are so young and pregnant that most people wonder do they even know how they are pregnant. Most would assume girls that young didn't even start their period yet.
INTRODUCTION The exploration I intend to demonstrate does regard teen pregnancy and options that follow. Many teens unfortunately end up becoming pregnant as a direct result from drug and alcohol addiction. Therefore, when engaging in sexual activity they are careless and don’t use any protection. Rather then taking the easy way out and getting an abortion why not try to rehabilitate by entering a treatment facility. It would be like killing two birds with one stone. Not only will these teens learn how to take care of their newborn; but they will also get rid of the addiction. If they don’t get the help that they need then the child will only suffer the consequences later with the parent’s continuous drug or alcohol use. “Research studies show that the earlier a person tries alcohol or drugs for the first time, the more likely they are to experience problems with the substances as adults.” (promises news)
ADDICTION Addiction is probably one of the lead contributing factors in teenage pregnancy. “Following SAMHSA’s Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) report, pregnant teenage admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities increased from 1,300 admissions in 1992 to 1,700 admissions in 2007.”(promises news) It is happening more and more as if it were a trend. Most of these teens don’t even think it is that big of a deal anymore.
SUPPORT Many of these girls already feel alone when they realize they are pregnant. It is even harder for these teens if they are also abusing drugs or alcohol. This problem doesn’t have a quick solution, which is what most parents are looking for when regarding their teenager. If parents can just show as much love as they could for these teens and stand by their side to help them through this difficult time then the outcome may be a positive one.
IMPROVING THEIR LIVES Find some kind of rehabilitation whether it’s an outpatient rehab, inpatient, long-term, or short Get a strong support system of friends and family Have the will and strong mind to have a healthy life for themselves and child Counseling Mental health provider if needed
PROGRAMS Center for Hope Maggie's Place Women in New Recovery These are all rehabs for pregnant women and children here in Arizona that can help save lives!
“The Center for Hope for Women, Infants and Children provides state of the art, gender specific programming for up to 24 pregnant women with a history of substance abuse and who are in need of a safe and structured living environment for themselves and their children.”(women’s and children's programs) This long term residential treatment is one of the best in the country and I am speaking on a personal note. It doesn’t just help you overcome addiction; it helps you create a new life for yourself and new baby. Completing this program will offer you a lifetime of support for your family from counselors as well as help with rent payments. Center for hope helps girls deal with their emotional and spiritual needs. They even provide assistance with finding a job, apartment, and daycare for your child. They literally remake your life so that you can be truly independent.Center for Hope
CONCLUSION I can speak on a personal note about this assignment because I was somebody who experienced teen pregnancy. I was 18 when I got pregnant with my son, David and I had a drug addiction. I wanted an abortion and my parents wanted adoption. There was no way I could ever carry a baby for 9 months and give it away so I chose a different route. Center for Hope saved my life! I learned how to be a mom and live without my addiction. I learned a lot in the 14 months that I lived at this inpatient facility so a lot of the info I explained was my own knowledge. Even though I already had an idea of this topic I feel it is important to let others know so they can help better the lives of these young girls.
SOURCES promises news. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2010, from promises treatment centers: women's and children's programs. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2010, from community bridges: