Physical Games Related to Literature Heath Ward Teen Services Librarian Pickens County Public Library System
Have you ever wanted to create a terrific literary game based library program that can entertain and enrich a variety of participants while simultaneously sparking new interest in reluctant readers? Question?
promote books to reluctant readers encourage current readers to try new genres create an environment where your program attendees can meet new friends who have the same literary tastes. Benefits!
Three key components: defining the purpose of the program deciding what experiences one hopes to create for the program attendees and understanding the potential program demographic. The Plan
In creating game based programming, the first step is to define the purpose for the program. 1. Purpose
Even though entertainment tends to be one of the primary goals of game based programs in a library, I believe we should focus on more than simply playing games in the library. Purpose
Example: Marshmallow Gun Battle: Hunger Games Edition!
The purposes of the “Marshmallow Gun Battle: Hunger Games Edition.” program: to attract new teens to the library to meet the needs of The Hunger Games fan base who already use the library to create a community activity that allows teens to interact at the library to provide a literary gaming experience Example
Focus on the experience you hope to create for attendees. 2. Experience
Experience SocialNarrativeActionKnowledgeStrategy The Five Gaming Experience Archetypes
Social gaming experiences focus on the interactions between players. NO!YES! Experience
Narrative gaming experiences focus on the interaction between players and the world in which the game is set. = Experience
Action gaming experiences focus on the ability of the players to manipulate the game state. Experience
Knowledge gaming experiences are those experiences that focus on the knowledge from the external world that a player brings to the game. Experience
Strategy gaming experiences focus on the intellectual aspects of the decision making required to play a game. Experience
For the social experience I had teens pair up or form groups with other teens they did not know. Example: Social
For the narrative experience I divided the participants into 12 districts and had them reenact the pivotal scene of the Cornucopia Battle. Example: Narrative
For the action experience I supplied marshmallow guns and marshmallows in an outdoor playing field that simulated the battle field. Example: Action
Marshmallow Shooter Average Cost for an Individual Marshmallow Shooter **(If you Purchase the pipe fittings in bulk you can save some cost!)**
Example: Strategy Weapons!Ammunition!Rules!Surroundings!Alliances!Enemies! Strategy
Understanding your demographic. 3. Demographic and Difficulty Limitations : MentalSocialPhysical
Civil War Reenactment (with Marshmallow Guns) Muggle Quidditch Divergent Selection Program Maze Runner Program Other Programs