Welcome to Mathematics Department
Coordinate Algebra One class period
Coordinate Algebra Analytic Geometry Advanced Algebra Precalculus 9th10th11th12th IB Math Studies AP Statistics
Coordinate Algebra with Support 2 periods 1 math credit 1 elective credit
Support is designed for students who consistently need more time to master math concepts.
Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A: One class period One math credit Covers all of Coordinate Algebra and the first three units of Analytic Geometry
Accelerated classes are designed for students who plan to take an AP Calculus class in high school AND MUST HAVE SCORED: CRCT Math > 870 ITBS Reading > 79 th percentile
AP Statistics AP Calc AB/BC AP Calc AB Accel Alg/Geom A Accel Geom B/ Adv Alg Accel Precalculus 9th10th11th12th or IB Math Studies or
Accelerated Analytic Geom B/ Advanced Algebra One class period One math credit Covers the last four units of Analytic Geometry and all of Advanced Algebra
Accelerated Geometry B/Advanced Algebra is designed for students who plan to take AP Calculus AB/BC their junior year in high school followed by Calculus 3 (from Georgia Tech) or HL in the IB program their senior year. Students must have successfully completed Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Geometry A in middle school and have a recommendation from their middle school teacher.
Accel Math II 9th10th11th12th AP StatisticsAP Calc AB/BC Accel Analytic Geom B/Advanced Alg Calc 3 & 4 GA Tech at SFHS IB Math HL Accel PreCalculus and/or Students who entered with credit for Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/ Analytic Geom A in 8 th grade AP Statistics IB SL AP Calc AB (SL) Potentially AP Calc AB (SL) Potentially AP Calc BC (SL) AP Calc AB Potentially
Analytic Geometry is available to students who have successfully completed Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Geometry A in middle school and are not continuing in the accelerated math program. These students will be able to take AP Calculus their senior year.
AP Calculus AB Advanced Algebra Precalculus 9th10th11th12th IB Math Studies AP Statistics Analytic Geometry
Independent Responsible Prepared
Mastery of Math Standards: Previously taught in 6th - 8th grades Students are: Problem Solvers Apply previous skills to current problems Independent Learners Willing to use different strategies to solve problems without DIRECT teacher assistance
The Georgia Department of Education requires the administration of an end of course test for Coordinate Algebra and Accel Coord Alg / Analytic Geom A Analytic Geometry and Accel Analytic Geom B/Advanced Algebra The EOCT constitutes 20% of the student’s final grade for the course.
Coordinate Algebra TI- 30 XS Multiview Calculator Calculators will be sold through the My Payments Plus on line option. $15
All students will be expected to be able to use a graphing calculator TI – 30 X S AND TI - 84 Plus OR TI – Nspire CX Multiview Not CAS
Daily Practice Daily Assignments will posted electronically Students are responsible for obtaining assignments due to absences
Help Sessions Teachers have help sessions twice per week
Do you have any additional questions?