1 Lecture 1.1: Course Overview Dr. John MacCarthy UMBC CMSC 615 Fall, 2006
2 Lecture 1.1 Agenda Introductions Contact Information Course Syllabus Course Grading, Texts and Tools Homework and Homework Grading Criteria Class Project Success Behavior
3 Introductions Name Background Why are you taking this course? What do you expect to get out of it?
4 My Information Contact Information: Dr. John MacCarthy Office: ITE 212 Office Hours: Thursday 5:00 – 7:00
5 Course Syllabus Course Structure: Survey Course Overview of all aspects of Systems Engineering (but not much “depth”) Focus on the development of System Requirements and a System Architecture Advanced courses will go into each area in more detail Course (and Homework) follows a typical project development process Class Homework, Exams, Project and Presentation are all centered around creating typical systems engineering/ architecture artifacts for a specific class project. Homework, Exams, Research Paper Project Notebook, and Presentation: Homework is based on what I do day in and day out. It is designed to give you practical experience developing common SE/SA artifacts Exams focus on your understanding of these artifacts and their significance The Research Paper provides you an opportunity to research an area of Systems Engineering that is of particular interest/ use to you and to apply what you learn to your Project The Project Notebook is essentially the set of Homework Artifacts tied together with an executive summary and a set of lessons learned. The class Presentation is essentially summary briefing of your project and research
6 Course Syllabus and Major Course Objectives [1] Develop a general understanding of the scope of Systems Engineering, Systems Architecting, and the Systems Engineering Process DMSC Systems Engineering Fundamentals Develop a general understanding of the DoD Acquisition Process and its relationship to Systems Engineering and Systems Architecting DoDD , DoDI , Integrated Defense Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Life Cycle Management Framework Defense Acquisition Guidebook Develop a general understanding of Systems Engineering Management and experience writing a Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) DoD Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Preparation Guide Develop a detailed understanding of Requirements Engineering and Management and some of the tools that support these processes Kotonya & Sommerville Develop a general understanding of the relationship between CMMI and Systems Engineering CMU CMMI Manual Develop an understanding of the role of Use Case Scenarios/ Descriptions in Requirements Engineering and experience developing them Cockburn Develop detailed understanding of Requirements Documents and experience writing one Kotonya & Sommerville IEEE-830
7 Course Syllabus and Major Course Objectives [2] Develop a general understanding of the scope of Architecture Engineering and experience generating selected DODAF Artifacts DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF) Develop an understanding of Structured Analysis (SA) and experience generating IDEF0 and IDEF1X Diagrams Kotonya & Sommerville Develop an understanding of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) experience generating selected UML Artifacts Roff Develop general awareness of tools that support the generation of Structured Analysis and UML Artifacts and specific experience using Visio. Visio Develop an understanding of the relationships between Structured Analysis, UML and the DODAF. and their use in Systems Engineering Develop an general understanding of Risk Management, System Analysis and System Simulation, the relationship between them, and their role in Systems Engineering Develop a general understanding of Design, Development, and Integration and Test and their relationship to Systems Engineering Develop experience participating in, and leading, a systems engineering team Further develop writing and presentation skills related to Systems Engineering and Architecting Develop an awareness of key Systems Engineering/ Architecting references (and web- sites): Principal standards used by industry Enable the student to expand their understanding of Systems Engineering and Architecting beyond foundation provided by course
8 Grading, Texts and Tools Grading: Class Participation: 5% Homework: 20% Mid Term Exam: 20% Final Exam: 25% Research Paper: 10% SFR Presentation: 5% Project Notebook*: 15% Primary Texts: Requirements Engineering by Gerald Kotonya and Ian Sommerville UML: A Beginner’s Guide by Jason Roff Supplemental References: See Homework Tools: Visio Professional Industry Standard Structured Analysis Artifacts IDEF0 IDEF1X UML Artifacts SW Engineering Artifacts Web Architecture Artifacts Electrical Engineering Artifacts Communications Engineering Artifacts * Note: you will be asked to write a one- paragraph confidential evaluation of each of your team mates and submit it to me by on the day of the presentations.
9 Homework Grading Policy Grading Scale: 10: All Homework problems completed properly and neatly 9.5: All Homework problems completed properly 9.0: Most Homework problems completed properly and neatly 8.5: Most Homework problems completed properly 8.0: Homework handed in and evidence that all problems were attempted (i.e., if you did not know how to do the problem, indicate what gave you difficulty) 7.0: Homework handed in and evidence that most problems were attempted. Homework is due at start of class of the week indicated in the syllabus. Each Homework Assignment is worth 10 points Homework will be penalized 0.5 points for each day late. Homework for each project team is submitted by the team’s “Book Boss.” The project team’s homework “Book Boss” rotates each week. HW submission should include: Assignment Number Date Submitted Project Team Name List of Team Members Submitting Book Boss You are encouraged (but not required) to submit Homework by .
10 Final Project Outline (Draft – to be revised by Lecture 10) Project Briefing Project Systems Engineering Plan Life Cycle [1 page] Systems Engineering Approach [2-3 pages] Project Work Break Down Structure (WBS) [1 page] Team Organization Chart [1 page] CDRL [1-2 pages] Configuration Management Approach [1 page] Risk Management Approach [1-2 pages] Analysis and Modeling Approach [1 page] Operational Concept [4-7 pages] Operational Concept Graphic (OV-1) [1] Operational Node Connectivity Description (OV-2) [1] Organizational Relationships Diagram (OV-4) [1] Level 1 Use Case Diagram (1) Level 1 Use Cases Scenarios (3-5) Other Text as needed Functional Architecture/ Hierarchy/Decomposition (with trace to SOW) [1-2 page] Requirements Document [15-30 pages] Project Overview and Summary Information (AV-1) [1-2 pages] Integrated Dictionary (AV-2) [5-10 pages] Operational Architecture Views (see following page) System Architecture Views (see following page) Conclusions Describe the most important 5-7 things you learned in this course [3-4 pages] To be provide on a Labeled CD Note: I know this may seem like quite a bit now, but I can tell you from experience that it is not as hard as it looks. You will be developing most of it as homework and as part of a team.
11 Final Project DODAF Artifacts (Draft – to be revised by Lecture 10) Operational Views: OV-1: High-Level Operational Concept Graphic Concept Graphic UML Use Case Diagrams OV-2: Operational Node Connectivity Description OV-3: Information Exchange Matrix OV-4: Organizational Relationships Chart OV-5: Operational Activity Model Functional Decomposition/Hierarchy SA IDEF0 (OV-6a: Operational Rules Model) (OV-6b: Operational State Transition Description) (OV-6c: Operational Event-Trace Description) OV-7: Logical Data Model SA IDEF1X UML Class Diagram System Views: SV-1: System Interface Description UML Domain Class Diagram UML Deployment/Component Diagram Component Architecture SV-2: System Communications Description SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix SV-4 Systems Functionality Description Functional Decomposition/Hierarchy UML Activity Diagrams UML Domain Class Diagram SV-5: Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix SV-6: System Data Exchange Matrix SV-7: Systems Performance Matrix (SV-8: Systems Evolution Description) (SV-9: Systems Technology Forecast) SV-10a: Systems Rules Model Pseudo Code SV-10b: Systems State Transition Description UML State Diagram SV-10c: Systems Event-Trace Description UML Sequence Diagram UML Communications Diagram (SV-11: Physical Schema) Each member of team should develop at least one of each type of artifact (since you will be expected to generate some of these on the Final Exam)
12 Success Behavior Spend 6-7 hours on Reading and Homework each week: Reading: 1-2 hours Homework:4-5 hours Attend Class: I will indicate what is important We will work examples Attempt to do all Homework (and Exam) problems: Midterm and Final Exam will focus on material covered by Homework Final Project will principally be a refinement of the Homework Partial credit is awarded for all demonstrated attempts to complete a problem If you did not know how to do a problem, indicate what gave you difficulty If Homework takes more that 5 hours, let me know and let me know why Hand in all Homework on time Neatness and conciseness count Ask questions (by , during office hours, in class, after class) on Homework problems that gave you trouble Do recommended Reading Coordinate completion of Homework with your team members Make sure you understand the parts of the Homework done by your teammates (you will be tested on it). Get along with your team members: Pull your weight and then some Be respectful of their ideas and work They will be grading you