Mar 28 ~ Announcements~ Engineering professor, Dr. Jay Pembridge, looking for transcription and coding for a research project on teaching expertise. $10/hr, up to 20 hrs/week (depends on your availability and number of students) On campus at first, then at home okay if necessary Send me resume if you’re interested Start this summer, continue into Fall Any more resumes for HSI, Inc? Friday April 11 is the Human Factors and Applied Psychology (HFAP) conference. Homework assignment is to attend three talks or the keynote speech and turn in brief commentaries on each talk attended. If you attend additional talks and turn in a commentary for them, that will count as extra credit. Project questions?
High-Level Concept Representations “Fusion View” – Department of Defense Deputy CIO ( OV-1 / Operational View-1 Diagram of the Systems Engineering formalisms SysML, UML, DoDAF Simplification of your concept Can draw attention to the benefits and innovations Help a team achieve a shared understanding of their concept Help communicate design concept to broader audience
What might the OV-1 Diagram for this class look like?
Personnel Accountability and Tracking System (PATS)
What might the OV-1 Diagram for this class look like?
Designers are researchers Designs are hypotheses about what might be useful about how technology shapes cognition and collaboration - David Woods, 1998
Woods’ requirements for supporting cognitive work Primary requirements: Support coordination Support resilience Design requirements that support coordination and resilience: Observability/Visibility Directability Support for directing attention Support for shifting perspectives
How do you know… What cues matter? What needs to be known or learnable? What boundaries to present? What controls handle the variety in the environment? What navigation strategies to support? What humans will expect? What is too much user support? Collect Data; Evolve Design
How do you know… What cues matter? What needs to be known or learnable? What boundaries to present? What controls handle the variety in the environment? What navigation strategies to support? What humans will expect? What is too much user support? Collect Data; Evolve Design
Chou, E., Venkatraman, V., Larson, K., Li, Y., Gibson, M., & Lee, J.D. (2014). Contextual design of a motivated medication management device. Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications, 22, 8-15.
Contextual Design Approach The flow model describes the roles, responsibilities, and communication among stakeholders of the work. The sequence model exposes the order of tasks and activities. The artifact model illustrates the tools used or modified during work. The cultural model depicts the social influences of the workplace. The physical model outlines the visible layout and movement of work. Chou et al., 2014, p. 10
To collect the data, we employed contextual inquiry, an interview-like activity based on the master–apprentice framework; designers approach the interview as apprentices and watch and learn from the user, who is the “master craftsman”. ( Chou et al., 2014, p. 9) This approach enabled the design team to observe medication management as it occurred within older adults’ daily routines. More important, participants verbalized their intents at each step, which provided the research team with valuable insight. (Chou et al., 2014, p. 9) N=4 (6-10 recommended by Beyer & Holtzblatt [1988])
A thematic analysis using an affinity diagram
The Paper Prototype Used for Testing
Chou et al., 2014, p. 13
The Digital Prototype