¿Porque es importante aprender español? Saber varios idiomas te abre puertas.
Muchos países hablan español
Previene Alzheimer Brian Gold found bilingual seniors were better at the task, which had them quickly sorting colors and shapes, than their monolingual peers. The brains of the monolingual seniors were working harder to complete the task, while the bilingual seniors' brains were much more efficient, more like those of young adults. Neuroscientists think that having more reserve brain power helps compensate for age-related declines in thinking and memory, and may help protect against the losses caused by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The study was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.study
La clase TO HELP YOU SUCCEED, I ENCOURAGE YOU TO: Review class vocabulary. Be attentive in class and be an active participant Record and complete homework from the daily agenda, or check my website. Keep track of your grades.
Grados 20% – Tests 20% – Notebook Checks 20% – Quizzes 20% – Homework: Homework will be collected regularly and graded for accuracy. Other times it will be graded by completion only. 10% – Special projects, presentations and miscellaneous assignments. 10% – Participation: Students are expected to participate in all class activities (class discussions, games, skits, pair and group work, in-class work).
Tarea Worksheets Keep your ISN up to date Journal Entries (2 per week)
Reglas del salón No unnecessary conversation during instruction. Follow directions the first time they are given. Come to class on time and prepared (in your seat with your notebook and required supplies ready at the time when class is scheduled to start.) Tardy policy enforced. Be kind, respectful and polite. (Remember the Golden Rule!) Be on task- no other work in class please as you will have a limited amount of time to finish your work. No food, gum, candy or drinks – water is permitted. You may eat healthy snacks during transition.
Objetivos I can greet and say good bye to people of different ages. I know the days of the week and can make comments about them.
Objetivo 1: saludar Vocabulario Casual: Hola Formal: Buenos días, señora. Buenas tardes, señorita. Buenas noches, señor. ¿Como estas? Bien Mas o menos Mal
Objetivo 1: despedirse General Adios Chao If you plan to see the person again soon. Hasta pronto Hasta luego If you plan to see the person the next day Hasta mañana
Objetivo 1: saludar y despedirse Actividad 1 Draw a stick figure on the following page. Make sure it’s easy to see whether it’s a señor, señora, or señorita. Give it a name. 1 – morning 2 – afternoon 3 - night
Objetivo 2: la semana LunesMartesMiércolesJuevesViernesSábadoDomingo MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday