1 Welcome to the International Right of Way Association’s Course 900 Principles of Real Estate Engineering 900-PT – Revision 2 – CA
2 Introductions Who we are… What we do… Where we do it… How long we’ve been doing it… Our goals for the course...
3 Objectives (1) At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to… Describe the basic principles of engineering drawings Understand and interpret information on plans Use an engineer’s scale and a metric (rational) scale to determine distances
4 Objectives (2) At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to… Identify types of highway curves Discuss the engineering effects of a project on a property Understand the background of property descriptions
5 Objectives (3) At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to… Describe the basic features of property descriptions Identify the most common systems and methods of property descriptions Write and plot property descriptions using various methods
6 Housekeeping
7 Schedule (1) 8:00 - 8:30 Introductions, Etc. 8: :00 Use of Engineering Drawings and Plan Development 1:00 - 1:30 Utility Alignment Plans 1:30 - 2:30 Highway Construction Plans 2:45 - 3:45 Right of Way Plans 3:45 - 4:15 Interpreting Engineering Plans 4:15 - 4:45 Bearings 4:45 - 5:00 Recap Day One
8 Schedule (2) 8:00 - 8:15 Recap Day One/Introduce Day Two 8:15 - 2:00 Property Descriptions 2:15 - 2:45 Summary of Property Descriptions 2:45 - 3:00 Summary and Review 3:00 - 5:00 Exam
9 Plans Used By... Engineers Appraisers Negotiators Lawyers Others
10 Three-View Concept (Three perpendicular views) Plan View: Top view (length and width) Profile View: Side view (length and height) Cross-section view: End view (width and height)
11 Plan View (Top view) Horizontal alignment Topography North arrow Symbols
12 Scales (1) Metric
13 Scales (2) Imperial Architect
14 Exercise No. 1
15 Stations Stations: 100m or 1,000m intervals on centreline. Intermediate points are indicated as a “plus”. Station equation: Stations not continuous. A point has two station numbers, one ahead and one back.
Metre Station 20 m 100 m Sta ’ Sta 0+00 Sta 0+20 Sta 0+40 Sta 0+60 Sta 0+80Sta 1+00 Sta 1+20 Sta 1+40 Scale 1:1000
17 Exercise No. 2
18 Offsets Perpendicular distances Left or right of the centreline Locate a point by station and offset
19 Exercise No. 3
20 Curves (1) Simple curve Reverse curve
21 Curves (2) Compound curve Spiral curve
22 Contours Lines of equal elevation Shape and slope of land Close lines = steep slope Point up stream Annotation faces uphill (convention)
23 Pipeline
24 Overhead
25 Highway
26 Profile View (Side view) Centreline elevations Existing and proposed Exaggerated vertical scale
27 Datum/Benchmark Datum Basis for elevation reference Example: Mean sea level Benchmark Known elevation point Used as reference
28 Profile Grade Line Proposed centreline elevations Percent grade Rate of elevation change (%) Rise (+) or Fall (-)
29 Highway Curves Parabolic (sag or crest) P.V.C. P.V.I. P.T. L
30 Pipeline
31 Overhead
32 Highway
33 Cross-section View (End view) Shows effect on property Cut or fill Construction limits Ditches
34 Superelevation Slope pavement surface To counter centrifugal force
35 Exercise No. 6
36 Pipeline/Powerline Trench depth Trench width Pipe diameter Backfill details Bedding details Height and width Wire spacing Brace detail Clearance Foundation
37 Highway
38 Overhead Transmission Line
39 Pipeline
40 Title Sheet Area Map Agency Name Project Name Project No. Utilities List Layout Map Sheet Index
41 Schematic Plan/Typical Sections Schematic Plan: Overall scope of project. Typical Sections: Finished shape and dimensions. Pavement type and thickness. Superelevation details.
42 General Notes/General Summary General Notes: Clarify construction. Additional information. General Summary: Total quantities. Cost estimate. Bid preparation.
43 Plan-Profile Sheets Plan View: North arrow. Centreline and station. Detailed information. Profile View: Centreline elevations. Exaggerated vertical scale.
44 Cross-sections (1) Existing and proposed elevations 100m intervals Looking ahead, up sheet
45 Cross-sections (2)
46 Right of Way Plan Area Map Agency Name Project Name Project No. Utilities List Layout Map Sheet Index
47 Centreline Plan Major geographic features Filed for record
48 Property Maps Parcel acquisition details Major land details
49 Summary Sheet Tabulation of all parcels Ownership index Areas acquired
50 Detail Sheet Individual property plan Property rights acquired
51 Bearings
52 Exercise No. 10 (1) N 36 o 30’ E S 36 o 30’W S 43 o 30’ W N 43 o 30’E S 71 o 00’ E N 71 o 00’ W N 57 o 00’ W S 57 o 00’E
53 Exercise No.10 (2) N 68 o 00’ E S 48 o 45’ W S 25 o 00’ E N 28 o 00’ W
54 Recap Day One
55 Day Two
56 Property Descriptions (1) Dominion Lands Survey System Plane coordinate system Metes and bounds Point Centreline Lot and block Subdivision
57 Property Descriptions (2) Caption/Preamble Body Reservations/Exceptions
58 Dominion Lands Survey System
59 Exercise No. 11
60 Sections 36 section in a township Numbered 1 through 36 Beginning in SE corner Approximatel y 1 mile square 640 acres
61 Section Parts (1)
62 Section Parts (2)
63 Exercise No. 12 (1)
64 Exercise No. 12 (2)
65 Plane Coordinate System* Well monumented Points located by coordinates “X” Easting “Y” Northing High degree of accuracy * Not currently permitted in any province or territory. However, experiments underway.
66 Plane Coordinate System (2)
67 Plane Coordinate System (3)
68 Plane Coordinate System (4)
69 Metes and Bounds Metes: Measurements of boundary. Bounds: Adjoining property owner. Monuments: Natural and artificial.
70 Angles
71 Property Descriptions Begins at a known point Enables future location Point of commencement (P.O.C.) Point of beginning (P.O.B.) Description (call for each line [clockwise], bearing and length, must close)
72 Magnetic North Pole
73 Exercise No. 13
74 Exercise No. 14 Commencing at the intersection of Provincial Highways 5 and 19; Thence, N 44 o 51’ E ’ to the true Point of Beginning, which point is a 2” diameter brass cap mounted on a 3/4” iron pipe; Thence from the POB, N 49 o 07’ W ’ to corner # 2, which corner is marked by a 1/2” iron rod. Said line crosses Red Creek at a distance of 12.5’ from corner #2; Thence N 61 o 05’ E ’ to corner #3, which corner is a 10” white oak tree; Thence, S 26 o 01’ E ’ to corner # 4, marked by a 4” x 4” wooden post. Said line crosses Red Creek at 18.5’ from corner #3. Thence, S 10 o 00’ W ’ to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.72 acres, more or less.
75 Point Description Highway right of way Centreline - recorded Stations are basis Each point described by station and offset
76 Station and Offset
77 Exercise No. 15 Beginning at a point 25 feet left of highway station , which point is in the northern right of way line of Provincial Highway 47, as recorded in _________: Thence, leaving said right of way line, and going to a point 54 feet left of station ; Thence, to a point 65 feet left of station ; Thence, to a point 57 feet left of station ; Thence, to a point in the aforesaid right of way line, 25 feet left of ; Thence, along said right of way back to the Point of Beginning.
78 Centreline Description Used by utilities Acquisition of right of way strips Reference is stations Referenced, recorded Width of right of way specified
79 Exercise No. 16 (1) An easement for the construction, maintenance, use and operation of utility services, said easement situate, lying and being in Block 4 of Rolling Trails Addition, as shown on a plan thereof, recorded in __________, and being more particularly described as follows:
80 Exercise No. 16 (2) Commencing at the intersection of the easterly right of way line of First Street and the northerly right of way line of Able Drive: Thence, in a northwest direction, along the easterly right of way line of First Street, a distance of 100’ to the true Point of Beginning for the centreline of the easement: Thence, N 59°58' E, ’ to a point; Thence, N 84°05' E, ’ to a point in the westerly right of way line of Second Street. Said point is 215’ in a northerly direction from the intersection of said right of way line with the northerly right of way line of Able Drive. Said easement having a 20’ uniform width, 10’ being on each side of the above described centreline. Containing 9,906 sq. ft.
81 Subdivision Plan Land subdivided into lots Named, plotted and recorded Description (lot number, subdivision name, location or record plan)
82 Lot and Block Urban areas Block plotted and recorded Description (lot number and block name, name of the political subdivision, location or registered plan)
83 Exercise No. 17
84 Metes and Bounds - Lot and Block Caption: A portion of Lot 7, Block 4, as shown on the map entitled “Tract 426” filed in the office of __________, on May 5, 1997, in Map Book 9, Page 78, described as follows. Body: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 7; thence along the northerly line of said lot S 88 o, 50.00’; thence E, 50.00’ to the easterly line of said tract; thence along last said line S 1 o 10’ W, 21.50’; thence S 72 o 30’ W, 55.00’ to the westerly line of said lot; thence along last said line N 1 o 10’ E, 39.12’ to the POB. Area: Containing 1,516 square feet, more or less.
85 Metes and Bounds - Dominion Lands Survey System Caption: A portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, T3N, R2W, MDB&M, described as follows. Body: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 3; thence along the southerly line of said Section 3, S 89 o W, 1,200’; thence N 36 o E, 2,000’ to the easterly line of the SW 1/4 of said section; thence along the last said line S 1 o E, 1,600’ to the POB. Area: Containing 22 acres.
86 Metes and Bounds - Metes and Bounds Caption: A portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to E. C. Jones, recorded February 1, 1960 in Volume 1620, Page 12, described as follows. Body: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said parcel, distance thereon N 88 o E, ’ from the southwest corner of said parcel; thence N 2 o W, 60.00’; thence N 88 o E, 60.00’; thence S 2 o E, 60.00’ to said southerly line; thence along said line, S 88 o W, 60.00’ to the POB. Area: Containing 360 square feet, more or less.
87 Summary Property descriptions Essential elements of a right of way Proper wording critical
88 Methods Dominion Lands Survey System Plane coordinate system Metes and bounds Point Centreline Lot and block Subdivision
89 Objectives (1) Now, you are able to… Describe the basic principles of engineering drawings Understand and interpret information on plans Use an engineer’s scale and a metric (rational) scale to determine distances
90 Objectives (2) Now, you are able to… Identify types of highway curves Discuss the engineering effects of a project on a property Understand the background of property descriptions
91 Objectives (3) Now, you are able to… Describe the basic features of property descriptions Identify the most common systems and methods of property descriptions Write and plot property descriptions using various methods
92 Thank you! 900-PT – Revision 2 – CA