Subtitle PEP Review and Training 17 th December
Subtitle 2 Virtual School Corporate Parenting Board Head of Children in Care Service Head of Education Standards Service Virtual School Head Children in Care Learning Mentor PEP Coordinator Designated Teachers Social Workers Educational Psychologist Education Welfare Officer Pre-16 Connexions PA Wellbeing Worker Post-16 Connexions PA Me2 Education Officer EYFS Lead for CIC National Teaching & Advisory Service Welfare Call Speech & Language Therapist Foster Carers
Subtitle Must be initiated within 10 days of a child being taken into care or moving placement Must be reviewed on a termly basis Must be a “living and useful document” Must have clear accountability in terms of who within school is responsible for making actions happen Must be transferred without delay to new educational placements when moves occur Actions from PEPs should be checked for progress between meetings 3 Personal Education Plans
Subtitle 4 PEP Coordinator Run report on Liquid Logic at the start of each week to add any new cases and remove closed cases Complete as much of the information on the Virtual School spread sheet as possible Contact school and social worker to instigate PEP within 10 working days of the child becoming CLA Contact Welfare call to update school Virtual School roll
Subtitle £1900 per pupil per year from April 2014 Children are eligible from the first day of being in care For the first time, children adopted from care and those who leave care under a special guardianship order or residence order will also attract the pupil premium plus. Resources required to improve educational outcomes should be agreed at a PEP meeting and can be requested through the Virtual School Resource Panel 5 Pupil Premium Plus
Subtitle 6 Process for accessing Pupil Premium Funding through Trafford Virtual School Need identified at PEP meeting, noted as a target and cost included in the Pupil Premium section of PEP documentation Virtual School Resource Panel referral completed by Social Worker/Designated Teacher to request access to funding PEP and Referral considered at Virtual School Resource Panel and funds allocated if appropriate Resource allocation noted in monitoring documentation for audit purposes Impact of resource to be noted in review PEP and monitored by Virtual School Head through Education Surgeries and PEP quality assurance
Subtitle 7 Pupil Premium use in Trafford
Subtitle Appropriate use of Pupil Premium 1 : 1 Tuition in School Small Group Tuition MentoringTutoring at home Training Laptops, devices & equipment Trips Out of school activities Behaviour Management Additional support Every use MUST demonstrate benefit to the child’s educational outcomes