State of the Wind Industry Denise Bode CEO American Wind Energy Association.


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Presentation transcript:

State of the Wind Industry Denise Bode CEO American Wind Energy Association

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Founded in 1974 More than 2,500 business members Wind project developers Wind turbine manufacturers Component manufacturers: towers, blades, gears More than 8,000 parts in a turbine provides extensive info on wind


Global Competition At least 37 nations have mandatory renewable energy requirements

U.S. Wind Power Installations MW of Wind Installed Total U.S. Installation through 3Q 2009: 31,100 MW Total Installation in 3Q 2009: 1,649 MW Total Installation in 2009: 5,800 MW Source: AWEA

Vision for the Future

20% Wind Energy by 2030 U.S. Department of Energy: “The U.S. possesses sufficient and affordable wind resources to obtain at least 20% of its electricity from wind by the year 2030.”

Wind Project Development 46 states would have wind development by 2030 under the 20% Vision Source: U.S. DOE, 20% Wind Energy by 2030

Job Projections Under 20% Report Over 500,000 total jobs would be supported by the wind industry In 2008, wind industry added 35,000 new jobs Source: U.S. DOE, 20% Wind Energy by 2030

Wind Manufacturing Facilities Across the U.S. 55 manufacturing facilities opened, expanded or announced in 2008 Wind industry now employs 85,000 in U.S. Major facilities online prior to 2008 All new online in 2008 – 2Q 2009 Announced facilities

How We Get There

Policy Timeline for Wind – Looking Ahead

Policy Timeline for Wind – In Perspective

A strong 25% by 2025 RES would create: 8-fold increase in homegrown renewable energy – from 28,000 MW to 248,000 MW 297,000 new jobs $13.5 billion in income to farmers, landowners, and ranchers $11.5 billion in new local tax revenue $64.3 billion savings from lower consumer expenditures All at no cost to the taxpayer National Renewable Electricity Standard Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009

Additional Renewable Generation Required to Meet RES Scenarios Compared to State RES Programs, Post-2009

Conceptual Vision: Green Power Superhighways

Wind Power in Queues (MW) Iowa 14,569 Minnesota 20,011 New Mexico 14,136 North Dakota 11,493 Penn. 3,391 South Dakota 30,112 Oklahoma 14,677 Illinois 16,284 Ohio 3,683 Kansas 13,191 Wisconsin 908 Michigan 2,518 WV 1,045 New York 8,000 VT 155 Total 311,155 MW MA 492 Montana 2327 NJ 1416 Under 1000 MW 1,000 MW-8,000 MW Over 8,000 MW Missouri 2,050 Indiana 8,426 Maine 1,398 NH 396 RI 347 DE 450 MD 810 VA 820 Arkansas 210 Texas 63,504 Arizona 7,268 California 18,629 Colorado 16,602 Idaho 446 Nebraska 3,726 Nevada 3,913 Oregon 9,361 Utah 1,052 Washington 5,831 Wyoming 7,870

Wind is an energy resource, not a capacity resource ‘Reliability’ concerns often founded on serious misunderstandings of how grid operates, how wind projects fit into system operations Wind power output is ‘variable,’ not ‘intermittent’ Wind forecasting plays key role today, will play increasingly important role in future There is a cost to managing wind’s variability – depends upon system’s characteristics, but is generally low Many wind integration studies have been performed in US, EU Adapting Power Grid to Accommodate Wind

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